[JURIST] Here's a run-down of law-related events, expected developments and live webcasts on JURIST's docket for Friday, April 1.
The US Senate and US House [official websites] are in recess until April 4.
The American Society of International Law is presenting a speech by US Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg [Oyez profile] on the use of a comparative approach in constitutional adjudication. Watch a live webcast of the address at 4:30 PM ET via C-SPAN.
The Heritage Foundation is holding a forum titled "End of the Euro-China Honeymoon? Why Europe Is Rethinking the Arms Embargo," at 10 AM ET. Watch a live webcast of the event.
At the UN, an ad hoc committee established by the General Assembly is scheduled to adopt a draft international convention to suppress acts of nuclear terrorism, and Secretary-General Kofi Annan is expected to give an address. Watch a live webcast at 11 AM ET. Also today, Human Rights Committee Chair Christine Chanet will give a brief on the Committee's 83rd session. Watch a live webcast at 11:15 AM ET.
At the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, the trial of Fatmir Limaj and others [ICTY case backgrounder] continues today at 9:30 PM local time [3:30 AM ET]. Also today, Ljube Boskoski [initial indictment] will make an initial appearance before the tribunal at 2:45 PM local time [8:45 AM ET]. Watch a webcast of proceedings.