[JURIST] Italian authorities indicted four people on Monday in connection with the death of famed Italian financier Roberto Calvi [Wikipedia entry], known as "God's Banker" due to his close association with the Vatican. Calvi was found hanging under a bridge in London in 1982 after fleeing Italy when one of the country's largest private banks, Banco Ambrosiano, went bankrupt under his chairmanship with debts around $1 billion. The British police initally treated Calvi's death as suicide [BBC report], but his body was later exhumed and in 2002 an enquiry concluded that he had been murdered [BBC report]. Businessman Flavio Carboni, his ex-girlfriend Manuela Kleinzig and two men with alleged ties to the mafia, Pippo Calo and Ernesto Diotallevi, will stand trial in October for Calvi's killing. There is evidence suggesting that Calvi was murdered by the mafia to stop him from divulging detalils about the links between the mafia, the Vatican, and the secretive Masonic group known as P2 [Wikipedia entry]. AP has more.