[JURIST] In Friday's environmental law news, a number of environmental groups have filed a complaint [not yet online] in federal court in San Francisco that alleges 14 government agencies have violated the US Energy Policy Act [DoE factpage], which requires that 75 percent of the new cars and light trucks they purchase run on alternative fuel, such as natural gas, ethanol, propane or electricity. The plaintiffs claim that many federal agencies have failed to report their purchases as required by law, and that it is unknown how many of the government's 600,000 vehicles run on alternative fuels. AP has more.
In other news,
- Australian home products manufacturer James Hardie Industries [company website] has announced [press release, PDF] that members of the Baryulgil Aboriginal community in New South Wales will be able to claim compensation for diseases stemming from an asbestos mine in the town. The company, in agreement with Australian federal and local governments, has established compensation funds to settle asbestos claims. Original discussions had not included people in the area around the Baryulgil mine for access to the settlement fund. The Australian Broadcasting Corporation has more.