[JURIST] A new opinion poll released Monday by the Financial Times shows that almost 70 percent of Britain's finance directors are opposed to the country adopting the new European constitution [official website; treaty text]. Thirty percent of business managers responding to the FT poll said they "strongly oppose" Britain adopting the EU constitution, and another 38 percent said they are "generally opposed" to its adoption "but could be persuaded in favour of it if I thought it would be good for Britain." Only four percent indicated that they "strongly support Britain adopting the new European constitution." Finally, 26 percent said they generally supported Britain adopting the treaty, but said they "could be persuaded against it if they thought it would be bad for Britain." A British referendum on the EU constitution [JURIST report] is expected to be held next year, although an exact date has not yet been set. The Financial Times has more. Elsewhere in Europe, France is scheduled to hold a referendum on the EU constitution in May, but the government there is warning of an EU constitution crisis [JURIST report] in the face of rising voter opposition [JURIST report] to the document.