NY Times v. City of NY Fire Department, et al., New York Court of Appeals, March 24, 2005 [ruling that the City of NY Fire Department must release portions of audiotapes and transcripts from 911 calls related to the 2001 terrorist attacks]. Excerpt:
This logic leads to the conclusion that all of the oral histories are discloseable under FOIL. We add one qualification, however, because we are given pause by the Fire Department's insistence that "the oral histories contain numerous statements which are exceedingly personal in nature, describing the interviewees' intimate emotions such as fears, concern for themselves and loved ones, and horror at what they saw and heard." If indeed some firefighters made such statements in what they were led to believe was a private setting, it may be unfair to invade their privacy based solely on the inadequacy of the evidence the Department has submitted.
Read the full text of the opinion here [PDF]. Reported in JURIST's Paper Chase here.