[JURIST] Here's a run-down of law-related events, expected developments and live webcasts on JURIST's docket for Tuesday, March 1.
The US Supreme Court [official website] will hear arguments in two cases today. At 10 AM ET, the Court will hear arguments in the consolidated cases of Exxon Corp. v. Allapattah Services and Ortega v. Starkist Foods, 04-70 and 04-79, in which it will consider whether federal courts can exercise supplemental jurisdiction under 28 USC § 1367 [text] over additional plaintiffs in a diversity action, where the plaintiffs do not meet the amount-in-controversy requirement. The ABA has merit briefs filed in the case. Following that, in Deck v. Missouri, 04-5293, the Court will consider whether allowing a capital defendant to be present during the penalty phase while handcuffed and shackled to a belly chain violates the Fifth, Sixth, Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments. The ABA has merit briefs for the case.
The US Senate [official website] convenes at 9:45 AM ET this morning, and will continue consideration of S. 256 [bill summary], the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005. Watch a live webcast of proceedings. The Senate Judiciary Committee [official website] will hold a 9:30 AM ET hearing to consider the nomination of William Gerry Myers III [Independent Judiciary profile] for the US 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. Watch a live webcast of the hearing. The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee [official website] will hold a hearing on the Food and Drug Administration's drug approval process at 9:30 AM ET. View a list of witnesses, and watch a live webcast of the hearing via C-SPAN.
The US House [official website] convenes at 2 PM ET today. Watch a live webcast of the session. The House Appropriations Committee [official website] Commerce, Justice, State and Judiciary Subcommittee will hear testimony from Attorney General Alberto Gonzales on the DOJ's FY 2006 budget at 10 AM ET. Watch a live webcast of the hearing. The House International Relations Committee [official website] Africa, Global Human Rights and International Operations Subcommittee will hold a hearing on the UN mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo at 1:30 PM ET. View a list of witnesses, and watch a live webcast of the hearing. The House Agriculture Committee [official website] will hold a hearing on Canadian beef and cattle imports at 2 PM ET. Watch a live webcast via C-SPAN 3.
The ACLU [advocacy website] and Human Rights First [advocacy website] plan to announce a lawsuit against a high-ranking US official by eight men who claim they were tortured by US forces while being detained in Iraq and Afghanistan. The organizations will announced the suit at a 10:30 AM ET news conference. Read the media advisory.
The National Governors Association [official website] is holding a 9 AM ET forum on US healthcare with Health and Human Services Secretary Mike Leavitt. Watch a live webcast via C-SPAN 3.
At the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, the trial of Slobodan Milosevic [ICTY case backgrounder] continues, with a webcast beginning at 9:30 AM local time [3:30 AM ET]. Also today, the trial of Fatmir Limaj and others [ICTY case backgrounder] continues, with a webcast beginning at 2:45 PM local time [8:45 AM ET].