[JURIST] Here's a run-down of law-related events, expected developments and live webcasts on JURIST's docket for Wednesday, March 2.
The US Supreme Court [official website] will hear oral arguments in two cases beginning at 10 AM ET today. In the first case, Van Orden v. Perry, 03-1500, the Court will consider whether the display of the Ten Commandments at state government buildings is a violation of the First Amendment. The ABA has merit briefs in the case. In the second case, McCreary County v. ACLU of Kentucky, 03-1693, the Court will decide whether the inclusion of the Ten Commandments within a larger work on the history of American law displayed on government property violates the Establishment Clause. The ABA has merit briefs filed in the case.
The US Senate [official website] convenes at 9:15 AM ET today, and will resume consideration of S. 256 [bill summary], the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005, at 10:15 AM ET. Watch a live webcast of proceedings.
The US House [official website] convenes at 10 AM ET today. Watch a live webcast of proceedings. The House Energy and Commerce Committee [official website] is holding a hearing on mergers in the telecommunications industry at 10 AM ET. Watch a live webcast of the hearing. The Energy and Air Quality Subcommittee is holding a hearing on H.R. 3 [bill summary] and the Clean Air Act at 2 PM ET. Watch a live webcast of the hearing. The House International Relations Committee [official website] is holding a hearing on UN operations and accountability at 10:30 AM ET. Watch a live webcast of the hearing. The Middle East and Central Asia Subcommittee is holding a hearing to consider H. Con. Res. 18 [text], which condemns human rights violations in Syria and Lebanon by the Syrian government. Watch a live webcast of the hearing. The Asia and the Pacific Subcommittee will hold a hearing on the crisis in Nepal at 1:30 PM ET. View a witness list, and watch a live webcast of the hearing.
The Heritage Foundation is holding a forum titled "The Supremacists: The Tyranny of Judges and How to Stop It," beginning at 12 Noon ET. Watch a live webcast of the presentation.
At the UN, the Commission on the Status of Women [official website] is holding a high-level plenary meeting at 10 AM ET. Watch a live webcast of the meeting. Following that, Meryl Streep, actress; Maha Abu-Dayyeh Shama, Director of the Women's Centre for Legal Aid and Counseling,Jerusalem; Taina Bien-Aime, Executive Director of Equality Now; Susana Chiarotti, Regional Director of CLADEM, Argentina; Jessica Neuwirth, President of Equality Now; and Sapana Pradhan-Malla, President of the Forum for Women, Law and Development, Nepal, will brief on the Equality Now Beijing +10 campaign against sex discriminatory laws. Watch a live webcast beginning at 11 AM ET. At 12:30 PM ET, monthly Security Council [official website] President Ronaldo Mota Sardenberg of Brazil will brief on the Council's work program. Watch a live webcast.
At the EU, a press conference will be held following a meeting between Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas and European Commission President José Manuel Barroso. Watch a live webcast beginning at 2:30 PM local time [8:30 AM ET].
At the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, the trial of Slobodan Milosevic [ICTY case backgrounder] continues, with a webcast beginning at 9:30 AM local time [3:30 AM ET]. Also today, the trial of Fatmir Limaj and others [ICTY case backgrounder] continues, with a webcast beginning at 2:45 PM local time [8:45 AM ET].