[JURIST] Vice Chairman Wang Zhaoguo [official profile] of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress [government website] formally presented the draft version of China's controversial anti-secession law to China's National People's Congress on Tuesday. The NPC, China's parliament, will consider the legislation this week, and is expected to approve the draft code next Monday. The legislation has become a major point of contention [JURIST report] between China and Taiwan [government website], as it authorizes China to use military force in light of any "Taiwanese Independence" forces acting to officially seceed Taiwan from China, or if all peaceful means of reunification have failed. Reading from the as-yet-undisclosed full text of the law, Wang said:
If possibilities for a peaceful reunification should be completely exhausted, the state shall employ non-peaceful means and other necessary measures to protect China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.The legislation also discourages any foreign involvement in the issue, claiming that reunification with Taiwan is an 'internal affair' and that China will not submit to any 'outside interference'. JURIST's Paper Chase has continuing news coverage of Taiwan and China [JURIST Country news archives]. Read the official NPC news release. Read the text of Wang's statement to the NPC [official transcript]. AFP has more.