[JURIST] President Bush juggled his weekend schedule [AP report] to return to Washington Sunday to be ready to sign proposed legislation that would send Terri Schiavo's case to the federal courts [JURIST report]. Previously, urgent legislation passed while the president has been out of town has been flown in for him to sign. White House press secretary Scott McClellan said the circumstances here made it important for the President to go to the legislation.
It's still possible, however, that Bush may not have anything to sign Sunday or even later. US Representative Earl Blumenauer (D-Oregon) [official site] is organizing opposition [AP report] to the compromise measure agreed to by Congressional leaders which the House is expected to vote on this afternoon. One-third of the members present need to vote "no" to defeat it. Blumenauer spoke out against an earlier version of the bill Thursday, concerned that Congress is overstepping its bounds [AFP report] and infringing on individual rights. Voters in Blumenauer's state have twice approved a Death with Dignity statute in 1994 and 1997 which is currently being challenged by the US Justice Department.