[JURIST] The Egyptian government failed to release the names of an estimated 2,400 people detained in the wake of terror attacks last fall and has since tortured many of the detainees, according to a report issued Tuesday by Human Rights Watch [official website]. In the report, HRW alleged that some of the detainees were tortured so badly that they can no longer use their hands. HRW also said the Egyptian government has failed to announce whether any of those detained have been charged. An unknown number of people were arrested following Oct. 7 bombings at resorts Taba and Ras Shitan in Sinai that killed 34. The government has refused to release the names or number of people detained, with the exception of nine suspects in the attack. HRW said its estimate of 2,400 was based on reports by several Egyptian human rights groups. Read the full report [text, PDF] and an HRW press release. AP has more.