[JURIST] Here's a run-down of law-related events, expected developments and live webcasts on JURIST's docket for Tuesday, Feb. 1.
The US Senate [official website] convenes today at 9:45 AM ET for regular business and to consider the nomination of Alberto Gonzales [official biography; JURIST Newsmaker] for attorney general. Watch a live webcast of proceedings. The US House of Representatives [official website] will open its daily session at 2 PM ET, with a live webcast available via C-SPAN.
The Heritage Foundation [official website] will hold a conference with Attorney General John Ashcroft [official biography; JURIST Newsmaker] at 11 AM ET. A live webcast of the event is available.
The Canadian government [official website] will today introduce legislation in the House of Commons to legalize same-sex marriage. Watch a live webcast via CPAC beginning at 10 AM ET. CBC News has more.
Slovenia's National Assembly [official website] will vote on the European Constitution [official website] today, with approval likely. EU Observer has more.
At the UN, Iraqi UN Ambassador Samir Sumaidaie will hold a press conference at 11 AM ET, with a live webcast available. The Security Council [official website] will hold a session beginning at 3:00 PM ET, in which it will discuss the situation in Côte d’Ivoire [JURIST Countries]. Watch a live webcast of the proceedings.
At the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, trials continue today for Slobodan Milosevic [ICTY case backgrounder] and Fatmir Limaj and others [ICTY case backgrounder]. A webcast of the Milosevic trial will begin at 9:30 AM local time [3:30 AM ET], and a webcast of the Limaj trial is scheduled for 2:45 PM local time [8:45 AM ET].