[JURIST] The Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) [PDF text; WHO backgrounder] will enter into force Sunday, making the provisions of the treaty legally binding on countries that have ratified the convention [FCTC signatory list]. The FCTC, the first international treaty negotiated under the auspices of the World Health Organization [official website], requires its signatories to implement measures ensuring that tobacco packaging has strong health warnings and to establish comprehensive tobacco advertising and sponsorship bans. The WHO has more. The US signed the treaty in 2004, but the Bush administration has not yet forwarded the FCTC to the US Senate for consideration. Two-thirds approval by the Senate is required for US ratification. The American Cancer Society [advocacy website] issued a press release [text] Friday calling on the US to "ratify the convention, implement it, and help low-income nations do the same."