[JURIST] The first Kuwaiti to be freed from the US terror suspect detention camp at Guantanamo Bay [Joint Task Force Guantanamo official website] arrived home in Kuwait Sunday, where he was taken into custody for questioning. Nasser al-Mutairi [Cageprisoners.com profile], a 28-year old former employee of the Kuwait Ministry of Education, was met by family and then held for debriefing. He was captured by US in the wake of operations in Afghanistan in 2001. No charges against him are expected to be laid. Read the US Defense Department press statement on al-Mutairi's release. There are eleven other Kuwaitis among the approximately 550 detainees still held by the US at Guantanamo. Reuters has more. For more information on Kuwaiti prisoners at Guantanamo, visit Project Kuwaiti Freedom [advocacy website], sponsored by the Kuwaiti Family Committee.