[JURIST] The WA Supreme Court is scheduled to hear arguments Wednesday on disputed King County ballots in the still-undecided governor's race. The court's decision on the 730 ballots could decide the race, which Republican state Sen. Dino Rossi currently leads by 51 votes over Democratic state Attorney General Christine Gregoire according to the recount. The Seattle Post-Intelligencer reports that state Democrats said Tuesday that Gregoire will win the election after King County announces the results of its recount, but county election officials said the announcement was premature. King County is scheduled to announce recount results Wednesday afternoon, although it can't certify the results until the Supreme Court hands down its decision. The disputed ballots were mailed by absentee voters, but signatures on the ballots did not match voter registration signatures in the county computers. The County election director said the signatures were never entered into the computer. Recount results are available here. Watch a live webcast of the arguments via C-SPAN at 12:30 PM ET (9:30 AM PT). CNN has more.
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