[JURIST] Over the objections of real estate developers, California's Sacramento County Board of Supervisors has voted to adopt one of the nation's most far-reaching affordable-housing policies. As of next month, the policy will require developers to set aside 15% of all construction in unincorporated areas for low-income residents, with 3% to be reserved for families earning less than $17,300 a year and the rest split between families at other income levels up to $46,150. The policy is expected to provide about 300 affordable houses and apartments a year in the rapidly-growing region some two hours north of San Francisco. Although the county and other sources will provide $10 million in subsidies annually to cover the difference between the market price of the housing and what the families can afford to pay, the Building Industry Association of Superior California opposed the policy, complaining that one industry was being asked to bear the burden of caring for the poor. The Sacramento Bee has background, and the AP has more on the vote.