Indian court grants bail to local EBay chief charged in sex video case News
Indian court grants bail to local EBay chief charged in sex video case

[JURIST] An Indian court Tuesday granted bail to the co-founder of, an Indian auction service owned by EBay, pending his trial on indecency charges brought after an auctioner attempted to use the site to sell a home sex tape featuring two students from an elite public school. The case involving Avnish Bajaj, a graduate of the Harvard Business School, has captured wide attention in India and abroad, not only because of its salacious nature but because of the legal issue it raises about the responsbility and potentiial liability of a website operator for the illegal actions of users. EBay has posted this statement about Bajaj's detention here. The Times of India reported Tuesday that US diplomats had put significant pressure on Indian officials to secure Bajaj's release. Bloomberg has more. The Times of India provides extensive local coverage.