[JURIST] Here's a run-down of law-related events, expected developments and live webcasts on JURIST's docket for Tuesday, November 23.
The US House and Senate are in recess. The US House will reconvene on Monday, December 6 at 2 PM. The US Senate will reconvene on Tuesday, December 7 at 9:30 AM.
US Army General Paul Kern will give a speech on the investigation into Abu Ghraib prisoner treatment at the National Press Club. Watch a live webcast beginning at 1 PM ET (via C-SPAN).
The trial of Slobodan Milosevic continues Tuesday at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. Watch a webcast of the trial beginning at 9:30 AM local time (3:30 AM ET); the webcast is on a 30-minute tape delay. The ICTY has background on the case…. Also Tuesday, the trial of Fatmir Limaj and his co-defendants continues at the ICTY. Watch a webcast beginning at 2:45 PM local time (8:45 AM ET); the webcast is on a 30-minute tape delay. The ICTY has case information.
At the United Nations, the General Assembly will meet at 10 AM ET to discuss the situation in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan. Watch a live webcast.
The British State Opening of Parliament for the 2004-2005 Session, featuring the Queen's Speech will begin at approximately 11:30 AM local time (6:30 AM ET). Watch a live webcast and read background on the opening of Parliament.