[JURIST] An Federal Communications Commission spokeswoman said Wednesday that the FCC has received a number of complaints about the opening scene of ABC's most recent airing of Monday Night Football. The agency may decide to investigate the incident, which could result in a maximum indecency fine of $32,500 per ABC affiliate. The scene, filmed the previous week and aired on Monday night, featured ABC actress Nicollette Sheridan leaping, naked, into the arms of Philadelphia Eagles player Terrell Owens. Michael Powell, chairman of the FCC, expressed disappointment over the incident in remarks made in an interview with CNBC. AP has more. ABC has since publicly apologized for airing the scene. Television network CBS was fined $550,000 earlier this year over charges of indecency stemming from the NFL's Super Bowl halftime show. Since that incident, the FCC has increased the penalty for broadcast indecency, and ABC has implemented a 5-second delay when airing live football.