United States District Court - Nebraska; US District Judge Richard Kopf, September 8, 2004. Review the opinion and read the judgment. Excerpt from the judgment: 1. The Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003, 18 U.S.C....
Superior Court of Washington, Thurston County; Judge Richard D. Hicks, September 7, 2004. Review the opinion . Excerpt: The clear intent of the Legislature to limit government approved contracts of marriage to opposite sex couples is in direct conflict with...
England and Wales Court of Appeal, September 3 2004. Read the full document . Excerpt: In my judgment, the employment tribunal erred in law, as it failed to adopt the approach to disparate adverse impact laid down in Seymour-Smith. It...
Utah Supreme Court, issued September 3, 2004. Read the opinion. Excerpt: ...Utah's bigamy statute does not attempt to target only religiously motivated bigamy. Any individual who violates the statute, whether for religious or secular reasons, is subject to prosecution. See,...
International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, issued September 2, 2004. Read the full decision by the Deputy Registrar. Excerpt: CONSIDERING the Trial Chamber's oral Order of 2 September 2004, by which "ursuant to the Chamber's decision to assign counsel,...
Institute of Race Relations , issued September 2, 2004. From the press release: The Institute of Race Relations publishes today a catalogue that details how hundreds of Muslims have been arrested under terrorism powers before being released without charge; how...