Senate Armed Services Committee, September 9, 2004; Generals Kern, Jones, Whitcomb, Fay and Taguba. Read the full text of their prepared testimony [includes references to CIA "ghost detainees" not reported to Red Cross]. Excerpt from General Kern's's testimony:
My investigation resulted in specific findings regarding the issue of 'ghost detainees' within Abu Ghraib. It is clear that the interrogation practices of other government agencies led to a loss of accountability at Abu Ghraib. DOD must document and enforce adherence by other government agencies with established DOD practices and procedures while conducting detainee interrogation operations at DOD facilities. This matter requires further investigation and, in accordance with the provisions of AR 381-10, Part 15, is being referred to the DOD Inspector General, as the DOD liaison with other government agencies for appropriate investigation and evaluation. Soldiers/ Sailors/ Airmen/ Marines should never be put in a position that potentially puts them at risk for noncompliance with the Geneva Convention or Laws of Land Warfare.
Reported in JURIST's Paper Chase here.