Note: This is part one of a three-part series on the proposed handover of the Chagos Archipelago from the UK to Mauritius. Part two — Why the Proposed UK-Mauritius Handover Is Not Required by International Law — can be found here. Part three — How the Proposed UK-Mauritius Handover Could be Halted by the British [...]
Search Results for: somali pirates
Somalian Pirates and the Law of the Sea: International Law in Crisis
“Somalia is a land that has descended so deeply into misery that “failed state” is too generous a description for the country.” –TIME Magazine In August 2020, three Iranian hostages who had been held for five years were freed by Somalian pirates, as contradictory news emerged that another ship had been intercepted after a three-year [...]
Federal appeals court rules Somali pirate cannot withdraw plea deal
The US Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit ruled Wednesday that a Somali man convicted of piracy cannot withdraw his plea deal . Abdiwali Abdiqadir Muse was the sole surviving pirate suspect from the...
The Australian parliament on Monday passed the Copyright Amendment (Online Infringement) Bill 2015 to prevent the online piracy of film and TV shows. The approved legislation gives rights holders the chance to go to a...
HRW: Somalia government evicted thousands of displaced people
Somali government officials evicted thousands of displaced people from Mogadishu in early March, Human Rights Watch (HRW) stated Monday. The Somali government order stated that people were to be evicted from a 600-650 meter section...
Somalia prime minister urges US banks to resume money transfers
Somalia's prime minister on Sunday appealed to the US government and US banks to resume allowing money transfers to Somalia, a crucial service for many in the war-torn country. Almost all US banks have stopped allowing remittance services to...
The Spanish National Court on Wednesday sentenced six Somali pirates to 16 years in prison for an October 2012 attack on the Spanish boat Izurdia. While attempting to attack the tuna...
The European Court of Human Rights on Thursday ordered France to compensate nine Somalis, most of whom are convicted pirates, for their arrest in 2008. After hijacking a French luxury...
The UN Security Council on Wednesday unanimously adopted a resolution renewing its international call to fight piracy off the coast of Somalia. Working under Chapter VII of the UN Charter , resolution 2184 (2014) calls...
A Somali police official on Monday reported that security forces arrested Somali pirate Mohamed Garfanji. Garfanji, second-in-command of Somalia's pirate industry, was arrested on Sunday for possessing illegal arms and other charges related to...