Search Results for: proposition 8

The Polish government introduced a draft law aiming to allow civil unions under Polish law on Friday. The law would reverse Poland’s current ban on civil partnerships and failure to recognize civil partnerships from other nations. The bill would recognize the civil partnership between two unmarried adults upon registration. Along with the legal recognition, civil [...]


Tunisia’s Assembly of Representatives of the People submitted a proposal to the General Legislation Commission on Thursday to amend Law 68-7, 1968, relating to foreigners’ status. The proposal was motivated by the unprecedented number of undocumented migrants entering Tunisia, protection of national security and combating human trafficking. The amendment, presented in accordance with Article 68 [...]


The ongoing conflict engulfing Israel and Palestine continues to raise significant issues of international law and policy. My earlier contribution focused on the jurisdiction and substantive law of the International Criminal Court (ICC). Here I address the ongoing litigation before the International Court of Justice (ICJ or Court). Because the crime of genocide can be [...]


It is Thanksgiving Day. The aroma of turkey; of dressing; candied sweet potatoes; green bean casserole; cranberry sauce; freshly baked yeast rolls; giblet gravy, and of pies emanating from the kitchen fills our nostrils. Home is the place to be today. But have you ever given thought to the law of the gobbler? This Day in [...]


On September 18, 2023, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made a speech in the parliament of Canada claiming to have “credible information” on the role of “agents” of the government of India in the targeted killing of Canadian citizen Hardeep Singh Nijjar (leader of a Sikh separatist movement in India, whom India claim as a [...]


The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Thursday ruled that it would not block an order requiring public disclosure of video recordings of the 2010 trial from a historic case that overturned California’s same-sex marriage ban, paving the way for the videos to be publicly released. Now-retired U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker presided over the 2010 two-week [...]


Representing the Biden administration, the US Justice Department Monday formally requested that the Supreme Court vacate the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals’ stay of a preliminary injunction of the controversial Texas abortion law SB 8. The DOJ’s application to the Supreme Court calls the Fifth Circuit’s decision to stay the injunction “unjustified” and decries “Texas’s [...]


The doctrine of separation of powers finds place in the basic structure of the Constitution of India, 1950 (‘The Constitution’) even though it is not explicitly mentioned in the Constitution.  As per the doctrine, the three crucial powers of sovereign i.e. the rule-making, execution and adjudication of laws, shall be kept distinct in three different [...]


The US Supreme Court dismissed Bognet v. Degraffenreid, the final challenge to the 2020 presidential election from Pennsylvania, on Monday. In September the Pennsylvania Supreme Court granted extraordinary relief in Pennsylvania Democratic Party v. Boockvar by extending the receipt deadline for mail-in ballots from 8 PM on Election Day (Tuesday, November 3) to 5 PM [...]