6/30/2013: Federal judge refused to block Kansas abortion law
6/28/2013: Obama administration issued final rules on contraceptive coverage
6/27/2013: Tenth Circuit ruled for Hobby Lobby in health care challenge
6/27/2013: Supreme Court issued final orders of term
6/25/2013: Rights group challenged North Dakota abortion laws
6/24/2013: Supreme Court announced that it would rule on abortion clinic “buffer zone” law
6/20/2013: Planned Parenthood sued over Kansas abortion law
6/20/2013: FDA lifted age restrictions for emergency contraception
6/18/2013: North Dakota judge combined abortion challenges
6/18/2013: US House voted for 20-week abortion ban
6/14/2013: Wisconsin state house passed law requiring pre-abortion ultrasound
6/12/2013: US House panel approved ‘fetal pain’ bill
6/12/2013: Federal judge approved FDA emergency contraceptive plan
6/10/2013: DOJ dropped appeal of Plan B contraceptive ruling
6/5/2013: Federal appeals court refused to block emergency contraceptive order
5/29/2013: Arizona ban against race, gender-based abortions was challenged
5/28/2013: Supreme Court declined to review Indiana Planned Parenthood case
5/24/2013: President Obama administration urged review of Plan B ruling
5/23/2013: Tenth Circuit heard Hobby Lobby appeal of health care ruling
5/21/2013: Ninth Circuit struck down Arizona 20-week abortion ban
5/17/2013: Federal judge blocked Arkansas 12-week abortion ban
5/15/2013: Federal judge allowed challenge to Arkansas abortion law to proceed
5/15/2013: North Dakota abortion law was challenged
5/10/2013: Federal judge declined to delay order on emergency contraception
5/1/2013: DOJ appealed expanded access to emergency contraceptives
4/19/2013: Kansas governor signed anti-abortion bill into law
4/18/2013: North Dakota judge announced he would strike down law limiting drug-induced abortions
4/16/2013: Arkansas abortion law was challenged
4/16/2013: North Dakota governor signed 20-week abortion ban
4/15/2013: Federal judge temporarily blocked closure of lone Mississippi abortion clinic
4/12/2013: North Dakota House approved “fetal pain” bill
4/9/2013: Alabama governor signed bill strengthening restrictions on abortion clinics
4/8/2013: Tenth Circuit upheld school’s ban on “fetus dolls”
4/5/2013: Kansas legislature approved anti-abortion bill declaring life begins at fertilization
4/5/2013: Federal judge ordered FDA to remove Plan B contraceptive age requirement
4/2/2013: Alabama lawmakers strengthened restrictions on abortion clinics
3/26/2013: North Dakota governor signed restrictive abortion laws
3/22/2013: North Dakota legislature passed measure outlawing abortions
3/14/2013: Federal judge blocked Missouri birth control law
3/15/2013: North Dakota lawmakers approved abortion restrictions
3/6/2013: Federal judge overturned Idaho abortion law
3/6/2013: Arkansas legislature overrode governor’s veto of 12-week abortion ban
3/5/2013: Oklahoma AG petitioned Supreme Court to review abortion laws
3/4/2013: Arkansas governor vetoed 12-week abortion ban
2/28/2013: Arkansas lawmakers overrode veto on abortion ban after 20 weeks
2/19/2013: Alabama House approved bill tightening regulation of abortion clinics
2/4/2013: Arkansas House approved ban on abortions after 20 weeks
2/1/2013: Obama administration allowed religious nonprofits to opt out of birth control coverage
1/31/2013: Arkansas senate approved bill banning abortions after fetal heartbeat detected
1/18/2013: ACLU ended challenge to Kansas abortion insurance law
1/9/2013: Federal appeals court upheld Massachusetts abortion clinic buffer zone
1/7/2013: Federal judge ordered trial for Kansas abortion law challenge
12/27/2012: Two businesses announced they would not comply with the Supreme Court’s order on contraception mandate
12/26/2012: Supreme Court Justice denied injunction against contraceptive coverage mandate
12/26/2012: Georgia state judge enjoined post-20 week abortion ban
12/4/2012: Oklahoma high court struck down state abortion laws
11/30/2012: Georgia ACLU branch filed suit to block state abortion law
11/28/2012: Arizona appealed injunction on Planned Parenthood defunding bill
11/26/2012: UN panel urged countries to ban female genital mutilation
11/14/2012: UN declared contraception universal human right
11/6/2012: Montana approved parental notification abortion law
11/5/2012: Ninth Circuit heard arguments on Arizona 20-week abortion ban
10/26/2012: Planned Parenthood sued Texas regarding low-income health programs
10/25/2012: Federal appeals court declined to rehear Texas Planned Parenthood funding case
10/23/2012: Federal appeals court blocked Indiana abortion funding bill
10/19/2012: Federal judge temporarily blocked Arizona law to defund Planned Parenthood
10/8/2012: Alaska court upheld abortion parental notice law for minors
10/5/2012: Federal judge held hearing on Arizona abortion funding law
10/2/2012: Sixth Circuit upheld Ohio law limiting use of RU-486
9/11/2012: Ninth Circuit restricted injunction on Idaho abortion law
9/5/2012: Planned Parenthood asked federal appeals court to reconsider Texas funding law
8/21/2012: Federal appeals court allowed Texas to cut Planned Parenthood funding
8/17/2012: Fifth Circuit upheld Louisiana abortion clinic restrictions
8/3/2012: Kansas judge refused to dismiss lawsuit challenging abortion clinic regulations
8/1/2012: Federal appeals court enjoined Arizona abortion law
7/30/2012: Advocacy group appealed Oklahoma “personhood” case to Supreme Court
7/30/2012: Federal judge upheld Arizona law banning abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy
7/24/2012: Federal appeals court upheld mandatory suicide advisory for abortions
7/17/2012: Federal judge dismissed challenge to health care contraception provision
7/16/2012: Planned Parenthood Arizona sued state officials to block law restricting funding
7/13/2012: Federal judge allowed more time for Mississippi abortion clinic to comply with additional restrictions
7/12/2012: Rights groups challenged Arizona law banning abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy
7/11/2012: Federal judge extended block on Mississippi abortion law
7/1/2012: Federal judge blocked Mississippi abortion law
6/28/2012: Federal judge blocked parts of South Dakota abortion law
6/27/2012: New Hampshire lawmakers overrode veto to ban partial-birth abortion
6/21/2012: Oklahoma AG appealed ruling invalidating ultrasound bill
5/23/2012: Catholic dioceses sued the US government over employer insurance contraception requirements
4/13/2012: Arizona governor signed bill to ban abortions after 20 weeks
4/10/2012: Arizona House voted to ban abortions after 20 weeks
4/5/2012: Wisconsin governor signed 51 pieces of legislation
3/29/2012: New Hampshire House voted to ban abortions after 20 weeks
3/28/2012: Oklahoma judge struck down ultrasound law
3/27/2012: Arizona Senate voted to ban abortions after 20 weeks
3/26/2012: Georgia Senate eased restrictions in abortion bill
3/20/2012: Utah approved 72-hour waiting period for abortions
3/19/2012: Idaho Senate approved abortion ultrasound bill
3/8/2012: Virginia governor signed bill requiring ultrasound before abortion
2/28/2012: Virginia Senate approved bill requiring ultrasound before abortion
2/22/2012: Virginia House passed watered-down abortion ultrasound bill
2/14/2012: Virginia House of Delegates approved personhood legislation
2/10/2012: Fifth Circuit refused to reconsider Texas sonogram law
2/6/2012: Federal judge allowed enforcement of Texas abortion law
1/10/2012: Federal appeals court allowed enforcement of Texas abortion sonogram law
1/4/2012: Fifth Circuit heard arguments over Texas abortion sonogram law
12/16/2011: Eighth Circuit affirmed injunction against Nebraska abortion law
10/25/2011: Federal judge blocked ultrasound provision of North Carolina abortion law
10/19/2011: Oklahoma judge blocked new law restricting use of abortion pills
10/17/2011: Federal judge heard arguments on North Carolina ultrasound law
9/29/2011: Federal judge refused to block Kansas abortion insurance law
9/29/2011: ACLU filed suit challenging North Carolina ultrasound law
9/23/2011: Federal judge issued order blocking enforcement of Idaho abortion law
8/31/2011: Idaho woman challenged state anti-abortion law
8/30/2011: Federal judge blocked key provisions of Texas abortion law
8/16/2011: ACLU challenged Kansas abortion insurance law
8/11/2011: Arizona appeals court lifted injunction on 2009 abortion law
8/8/2011: Seventh Circuit received briefs in support of abortion Medicaid restriction
7/28/2011: North Carolina Senate overrode veto on abortion waiting period bill
7/26/2011: North Carolina House overrode veto on abortion waiting period bill
7/21/2011: North Dakota court temporarily blocked medical abortion law
7/21/2011: House committee approved international abortion funding restriction
7/20/2011: Ohio governor signed bill banning abortions after 20 weeks
7/14/2011: Missouri governor refused to sign legislation banning abortions after 20 weeks
7/13/2011: Federal court blocked NYC law forcing pregnancy centers to disclose services
7/1/2011: Federal judge blocked Kansas abortion law requiring licenses for clinics
6/31/2011: Federal judge blocked South Dakota abortion law with 72-hour waiting period
6/31/2011: Rights group asked judge to block Texas abortion law requiring sonogram
6/28/2011: Ohio lawmakers approved bill prohibiting abortion after fetal heartbeat detection
6/28/2011: Rights group sued to block Kansas abortion licensing laws
6/27/2011: North Carolina governor vetoed abortion waiting period bill
6/24/2011: Florida governor signed bill restricting access to abortions
6/22/2011: New Hampshire legislature overrode veto of abortion notification bill
6/17/2011: Illinois appeal court ordered lower court to rule on abortion notification law
6/16/2011: DOJ declared Indiana abortion funding ban violates federal law
6/15/2011: Alabama governor signed bill banning abortions after 20 weeks
6/13/2011: Reproductive rights group challenged Texas sonogram before abortion law
6/9/2011: Alabama legislators passed bill banning abortions after 20 weeks
6/1/2011: Obama administration declared Indiana ban on abortion funds violates federal law
5/27/2011: South Dakota abortion waiting period challenged by ACLU
5/25/2011: Minnesota governor vetoed bill restricting abortion rights
5/23/2011: Federal judge upheld Ohio law limiting ‘abortion pill’
5/19/2011: Texas governor signed law requiring sonogram before abortion
5/12/2011: Missouri lawmakers approved late-term abortion ban
5/11/2011: Federal judge refused to block Indiana Planned Parenthood cuts
4/27/2011: Indiana approved legislation banning abortion after 20 weeks
4/19/2011: Oklahoma governor signed bill banning abortions after 20 weeks
4/13/2011: Idaho governor signed bill banning abortions after 20 weeks
4/12/2011: Kansas governor signed abortion restriction legislation
4/7/2011: Alabama House approved bill banning abortion after 20 weeks
4/6/2011: Ohio Senate approved bill limiting abortion after 20 weeks
4/5/2011: Idaho legislature passed late-term abortion ban
3/29/2011: Arizona governor outlawed abortions based on sex, race
3/23/2011: Idaho, Kansas lawmakers approved ban on late-term abortions
3/9/2011: Oklahoma House approved bill banning abortions after 20 weeks
3/7/2011: Texas House approved bill requiring ultrasounds before abortions
3/2/2011: South Dakota legislature passed bill requiring 72-hour waiting period for abortions
2/24/2011: Kansas House approved new abortion restrictions
12/13/2010: Alaska judge upheld parental notification law
11/2/2010: Colorado voters rejected anti-abortion amendment
9/18/2010: Nebraska AG agreed to permanent injunction of state abortion law
7/19/2010: Oklahoma court extended bar against law requiring pre-abortion ultrasounds
7/19/2010: DHHS limited abortion funding for new high-risk insurance pools
7/14/2010: Federal judge blocked enforcement of Nebraska abortion law
6/11/2010: Florida governor vetoed bill requiring ultrasounds before abortions
5/25/2010: Oklahoma legislature overrode veto of pre-abortion questionnaire bill
5/11/2010: Oklahoma lawmakers approved bill requiring pre-abortion questionnaire
5/3/2010: Oklahoma AG agreed to court order blocking abortion law enforcement
4/27/2010: Oklahoma legislature overrode veto of anti-abortion bills
4/21/2010: Obama announced he would consider women’s rights in Supreme Court nomination
4/19/2010: Oklahoma lawmakers approved bills restricting abortion
4/13/2010: Nebraska passed law banning abortions after 20 weeks
4/5/2010: Oklahoma governor signed 3 anti-abortion bills into law
3/29/2010: Illinois judge upheld abortion parental notification law
3/24/2010: Obama signed executive order limiting federal abortion funding
3/22/2010: Supreme Court declined to rule on abortion clinic layered protest zones
3/8/2010: Utah governor signed bill criminalizing attempted illegal abortions
3/2/2010: Oklahoma Supreme Court rejected broad abortion law
2/19/2010: Oklahoma judge struck down multi-part abortion law
10/4/2009: Illinois court again delayed enforcement of abortion parental notification law
10/3/2009: Third Circuit struck down Pittsburgh abortion clinic layered protest zones
8/20/2009: Federal judge partially upheld South Dakota abortion informed consent law
8/18/2009: Oklahoma judge found broad abortion law unconstitutional
8/5/2009: Illinois gave doctors 90 days to implement parental notices for abortions
7/14/2009: Seventh Circuit dissolved injunction against Illinois abortion notification law
7/8/2009: First Circuit upheld law requiring ‘buffer zone’ for abortion clinic protesters
6/24/2009: Fourth Circuit upheld Virginia ‘partial birth’ abortion ban
6/2/2009: DOJ increased federal protection at clinics after abortion doctor killing
1/23/2009: Obama repealed international abortion funding restriction
9/24/2008: State attorneys general urged withdrawal of healthcare provider conscience regulation
8/22/2008: District court upheld Massachusetts law mandating abortion protester ‘buffer zone’
7/2/2008: Ninth Circuit upheld right to display anti-abortion photos near schools
3/2/2008: Federal judge refused to allow Illinois abortion notification law to take effect
1/28/2008: Federal appeals court ruled Arizona must allow anti-abortion license plates
1/23/2008: Federal judge ruled Missouri must issue license plate with anti-abortion message
1/22/2008: Federal appeals court backed required transport for Missouri inmate abortions
11/13/2007: Massachusetts governor signed bill extending protection of abortion clinics
11/3/2007: Alaska high court struck down state abortion consent law
11/1/2007: Federal appeals court considered Virginia ‘partial-birth’ abortion ban
9/12/2007: New Jersey high court rejected medical duty to say embryo is ‘existing human being’
8/27/2007: Federal judge issued temporary injunction against Missouri abortion law
6/29/2007: New Hampshire governor signed repeal of abortion parental notification law
6/26/2007: Louisiana legislature approved “partial-birth” abortion ban
6/7/2007: New Hampshire legislature repealed abortion parental notification law
6/6/2007: Federal appeals court allowed asylum for victims of forced abortions
6/4/2007: Sixth Circuit struck down Michigan ‘partial-birth’ abortion ban
4/23/2007: North Dakota legislature approved conditional abortion ban
4/23/2007: Supreme Court vacated Missouri partial birth abortion ban ruling
4/19/2007: US lawmakers introduced bill to codify Roe v. Wade abortion rights
4/18/2007: Supreme Court upheld ‘partial-birth’ abortion ban
2/21/2007: Proposed South Dakota abortion ban failed in state senate committee
2/13/2007: South Dakota House committee approved new anti-abortion bill
2/12/2007: Idaho Senate committee approved parental consent for abortions
1/31/2007: South Dakota legislators introduced new abortion bill
12/6/2006: US House rejected ‘fetal pain’ bill
11/13/2006: Federal appeals court upheld Ohio abortion counseling provision
11/8/2006: Supreme Court heard partial-birth abortion ban arguments
11/7/2006: Abortion ban failed in South Dakota, parental notification nixed in Oregon, California
10/30/2006: Federal appeals court halted enforcement of South Dakota abortion law
6/19/2006: Supreme Court agreed to hear second ‘partial birth’ abortion ban case
1/22/1973: Roe v. Wade decided by the Supreme Court
6/7/1965: Griswold v. Connecticut decided by the Supreme Court