7/16/2013: Nineteen organizations file suit against the NSA for violation of their First Amendment right of association.
6/23/2013: Edward Snowden leaves Hong Kong for Moscow after Hong Kong denies a US request for extradition.
6/21/2013: Edward Snowden is charged with espionage in the US
6/11/2013: ACLU files suit against the NSA for its collection of phone information.
6/9/2013: The Guardian releases information about “Boundless Informant,” the NSA program designed to
collect and map the data collected by the agency.
6/9/2013: Edward Snowden reveals himself as the informant.
6/62013: The Washington Post publishes story about the PRISM program.
6/5/2013: The Guardian releases classified FISC order detailing surveillance of Verizon Wireless calls.