6/28/2013: Federal appeals court affirmed city law denying housing to undocumented immigrants
6/27/2013: US Senate approved immigration reform bill
6/18/2013: Ninth Circuit upheld Arizona law denying bail for undocumented immigrants
6/10/2013: ACLU challenged Nebraska order denying driver’s licenses to certain immigrants
6/6/2013: Arizona judge refused to reconsider order denying driver’s licenses to immigrants
5/30/2013: ACLU challenged US deportation practices
5/30/2013: Connecticut senate approved driver’s licenses for undocumented immigrants
5/24/2013: Federal court ruled Arizona sheriff violated Latinos’ constitutional rights
5/21/2013: Senate Judiciary Committee approved immigration reform bill
4/29/2013: Colorado governor signed immigrant tuition bill
4/29/2013: Supreme Court denied Alabama immigration appeal
4/16/2013: US Senators unveiled immigration reform bill
4/2/2013: Oregon governor signed tuition bill for undocumented immigrants
3/31/2013: Bipartisan US senate group reached agreement on immigration reform
3/29/2013: Federal judge struck down part of Indiana immigration law
3/28/2013: Georgia lawmakers expanded immigration law
3/25/2013: Maryland Senate approved bill allowing driver’s licenses for undocumented immigrants
3/20/2013: Federal judge blocked key part of Georgia immigration law
3/4/2013: Ninth Circuit blocked day laborer provision of Arizona immigration law
2/20/2013: Supreme Court declined to extend 2010 immigration ruling retroactively
2/16/2013: USA Today reported that White House immigration reform draft would create new path to citizenship
2/7/2013: Rights groups challenged Alabama immigrant “black list”
1/28/2013: US Senators unveiled immigration reform plan
1/27/2013: Illinois governor signed bill allowing illegal immigrant driver’s licenses
1/15/2013: Alabama appealed immigration law ruling to Supreme Court
1/8/2013: Illinois House approved bill allowing illegal immigrant driver’s licenses
1/2/2013: Obama administration announced immigration rule to ease family separation
12/29/2012: Mexico urged US court to block part of Arizona immigration law
12/10/2012: Federal judge lifted injunction on part of Georgia immigration law
12/6/2012: ACLU sued Arizona governor for denying driver’s licenses to immigrants
11/27/2012: Federal appeals court denied Alabama request to reconsider immigration ruling
11/15/2012: ACLU filed class action lawsuit over mandatory immigrant detention
11/15/2012: Federal judge upheld motorist provision of South Carolina immigration law
11/13/2012: Federal judge heard arguments on South Carolina immigration law
11/6/2012: Maryland, Montana voted on immigration issues
11/1/2012: DOJ criticized immigration courts for inefficiency
10/17/2012: Federal appeals court denied Alabama request to reconsider immigration law
10/10/2012: Mississippi joined lawsuit challenging immigration policy directive
9/30/2012: California governor signed bill allowing some illegal immigrants to get driver’s licenses
9/27/2012: ACLU urged government to stop delegating federal immigration authority
9/27/2012: Arizona announced appeal of federal injunction on portion of state immigration law
9/25/2012: Ninth Circuit rejected Arizona immigration law challenge
9/20/2012: Mexico announced review of Alabama immigration law under international labor treaty
9/18/2012: Federal judge lifted injunction on Arizona immigration law
9/17/2012: Arizona governor, DOJ suggested wording for immigration law enforcement
9/13/2012: Rights groups appealed to stop enforcement of Arizona immigration law
9/12/2012: Sixth Circuit dismissed posthumous citizenship request for convicted Nazi guard
9/10/2012: Alabama asked federal appeals court to reconsider immigration law
9/5/2012: Federal judge upheld Arizona immigration law
8/30/2012: California approved bill allowing some illegal immigrants to get driver’s licenses
8/27/2012: Federal judge denied motion to dismiss ACLU suit against US Border Patrol
8/23/2012: Kansas secretary of state challenged Obama immigration policy
8/21/2012: DOJ announced plans to establish civil rights unit in Alabama in wake of state immigration laws
8/21/2012: Federal judge heard arguments on Arizona immigration law
8/20/2012: Federal appeals court partially rejected Alabama, Georgia immigration laws
8/17/2012: Utah AG said immigration law should be upheld given Supreme Court ruling
8/17/2012: Arizona high court upheld English language law
8/15/2012: Third Circuit reconsidered Pennsylvania town’s anti-illegal immigration ordinances
8/15/2012: Arizona governor issued executive order denying benefits to undocumented immigrants
8/6/2012: Report claimed states were passing fewer immigration laws in 2012 than in 2011
8/2/2012: DOJ filed brief claiming that undocumented immigrants should not be allowed to practice law in US
7/17/2012: Rights groups urged federal judge to block Arizona immigration law
7/14/2012: Florida was granted access to federal database in effort to purge state voter rolls
7/12/2012: Lesbian couple seeking immigration rights sued to overturn DOMA
7/10/2012: American Samoa natives sued for US citizenship birthright
7/9/2012: Federal judge declined to lift injunction against South Carolina immigration law
7/6/2012: Georgia argued immigration law valid after Supreme Court ruling
7/5/2012: California Senate passed immigration bill protecting non-felony detainees
6/25/2012: Arizona governor said enforcement of immigration law will not violate Constitution
6/25/2012: Supreme Court partially struck down Arizona immigration law, upheld controversial section
6/18/2012: Congressman Ben Quayle introduced bill to block Obama administration’s new immigration policy
6/16/2012: Iowa Congressman announced plan to sue Obama over new illegal immigration policy
6/15/2012: Obama administration announced it would stop deporting some young undocumented immigrants
6/5/2012: Federal judge heard arguments for class action in Arizona immigration suit
5/31/2012: Federal judge allowed Arizona plaintiffs to proceed in immigration suit
5/18/2012: Alabama governor signed revised immigration bill
5/17/2012: ACLU criticized Georgia immigration detention centers
5/21/2012: Supreme Court ruled that immigrant children cannot rely on their parents’ immigration status
5/17/2012: Alabama governor called for special legislative session on immigration law
5/17/2012: Alabama governor called for special legislative session on immigration law
4/19/2012: Alabama House passed new immigration law
3/28/2012: Rights group claimed discrimination, rights abuses on US border
3/5/2012: Georgia Senate passed bill limiting illegal immigrants’ access to higher education
3/1/2012: Eleventh Circuit deferred ruling on Alabama, Georgia immigration laws
2/29/2012: Federal judge blocked enforcement of Arizona day laborer law
2/21/2012: Federal judge delayed Utah immigration ruling
2/21/2012: Supreme Court clarified ‘aggravated felony’ for immigrant removal purposes
2/6/2012: Arizona filed opening brief with Supreme Court on immigration law
1/26/2012: South Carolina appealed order blocking portions of immigration law
1/9/2012: Federal judge halted South Carolina immigration lawsuit
12/22/2011: Federal judge blocked portions of South Carolina immigration law
12/15/2011: States sought to delay immigration cases pending Supreme Court ruling
12/14/2011: HRW claimed Alabama immigration law violating basic human rights
12/12/2011: Supreme Court granted cert in Arizona immigration law challenge
12/12/2011: Supreme Court struck down deportation discretionary waiver policy
12/9/2011: Alabama governor began to revise state immigration law
12/7/2011: Alabama AG recommended changes to state immigration law
12/1/2011: US appeals court dismissed police officer’s suit against AZ immigration law
11/22/2011: DOJ challenged Utah immigration law
11/14/2011: DOJ asked federal appeals court to block Alabama immigration law
11/10/2011: DOJ urged Supreme Court not to hear Arizona immigration law appeal
11/9/2011: Latin American countries joined DOJ in South Carolina immigration law challenge
11/4/2011: DOJ told Alabama it has authority to compel public school enrollment data
11/1/2011: DOJ warned Alabama schools on state immigration law
10/28/2011: Arizona day laborer law challenged
10/21/2011: Federal judge dismissed Arizona counterclaim over immigration law
10/18/2011: DHS reported 400,000 deported illegal immigrants in 2011
10/12/2011: Rights groups challenged South Carolina immigration law
10/11/2011: Alabama defended immigration law in federal appeals court
10/7/2011: DOJ asked federal appeals court to block Alabama immigration law
9/28/2011: Federal judge refused to enjoin most of Alabama immigration law
9/26/2011: Rhode Island school board granted illegal immigrants in-state tuition
9/22/2011: DHS advisors recommended changes to controversial immigrant screening process
9/1/2011: Third Circuit ruled prolonged detention of immigrants unconstitutional
8/30/2011: Federal judge temporarily blocked Alabama immigration law
8/24/2011: Federal court heard arguments on Alabama immigration law
8/18/2011: US reviewed deportations in 300,000 immigration cases
8/15/2011: Rights groups challenged practice of shackling immigration detainees
8/15/2011: Georgia appealed immigration law ruling
8/10/2011: Alabama AG asked state high court to weigh in on immigration law
8/10/2011: Arizona appealed immigration law ruling to Supreme Court
8/5/2011: Alabama lawmakers defended immigration law
8/4/2011: Federal appeals court vacated ruling on Pennsylvania city immigration laws
8/3/2011: Sixteen countries filed briefs against Alabama immigration law
7/27/2011: Alabama immigration law challenged in state court
7/21/2011: Rights groups sought to bar Alabama immigration law
7/8/2011: ACLU filed lawsuit challenging Alabama immigration law
7/5/2011: Georgia announced appeal immigration law ruling
6/27/2011: Federal judge blocked Georgia immigration law
6/21/2011: South Carolina lawmakers approved Arizona-style immigration legislation
6/17/2011: Rights groups rejected ICE changes to immigration enforcement program
6/14/2011: Oklahoma high court upheld most of state immigration law
6/9/2011: Alabama governor signed immigration bill into law
6/8/2011: Rights groups sought injunction against Georgia immigration law
6/2/2011: Alabama legislature passed Arizona-style immigration law
6/2/2011: ACLU filed lawsuit challenging Georgia immigration law
5/26/2011: Supreme Court upheld Arizona immigration employment law
5/25/2011: ACLU filed class action suit against Indiana immigration law
5/13/2011: Georgia governor signed anti-illegal immigration bill
5/10/2011: Federal judge blocked Utah immigration law
5/9/2011: Arizona asked Supreme Court to lift injunction on controversial immigration law
5/3/2011: Utah immigration law challenged
4/14/2011: Georgia legislature passed Arizona-style immigration bill
4/11/2011: Ninth Circuit upheld injunction against Arizona immigration law
4/5/2011: Alabama House approved Arizona-style immigration bill
3/16/2011: Oklahoma Senate approved Arizona-style immigration bill
3/15/2011: Utah governor signed package of immigration reform bills
3/4/2011: Utah legislature approved new version of Arizona-style immigration bill
2/22/2011: Indiana Senate approved Arizona-style immigration bill
2/17/2011: Utah House passed Arizona-style immigration bill
2/10/2011: Arizona governor countersued US government over immigration law
1/7/2011: Rights coalition sought to block additional provisions of Arizona immigration law
12/8/2010: House approved immigration reform bill
12/8/2010: Supreme Court mulled Arizona immigration employment law
11/5/2010: Nebraska high court declined to rule on local immigration ordinance
11/4/2010: Thirteen states filed brief supporting Arizona immigration hiring law
11/1/2010: Ninth Circuit heard arguments on Arizona immigration law
10/8/2010: Federal judge denied motion to dismiss suit challenging Arizona immigration law
10/6/2010: US announced record number of deportations in 2010
9/30/2010: Senators introduced immigration reform bill
9/23/2010: DOJ asked appeals court to uphold ruling on Arizona immigration law
9/3/2010: Federal appeals court allowed habeas challenge to deportation despite REAL ID Act
8/31/2010: Federal judge dismissed police officer suit against Arizona immigration law
8/27/2010: Arizona governor asked State Department to drop immigration law from UN rights report
8/26/2010: Arizona filed opening brief in immigration law appeal
8/11/2010: Florida AG proposed Arizona-style immigration law
7/30/2010: Ninth Circuit denied Arizona bid to expedite immigration law appeal
7/30/2010: Virginia AG ruled police may inquire about immigration status
7/29/2010: Arizona appealed order partially blocking immigration law
7/28/2010: Federal judge enjoined provisions of Arizona immigration law
7/21/2010: Nebraska city immigration law challenged
7/19/2010: US immigration court caseloads spiked amid government crackdown
7/19/2010: ABA filed second brief against Arizona immigration law
7/14/2010: Nine states filed amicus brief supporting Arizona immigration law
7/12/2010: DOJ considered second lawsuit against controversial Arizona immigration law
7/8/2010: HRW called for protection of immigrant rights in US reform
7/6/2010: DOJ filed lawsuit against controversial Arizona immigration law
6/30/2010: ABA filed brief against Arizona immigration law
6/28/2010: Tennessee governor signed immigration bill requiring police to check status of arrestees
6/28/2010: Supreme Court granted cert in Arizona immigration employment law
6/22/2010: Mexico government asked judge to strike down Arizona immigration law
6/18/2010: Obama administration reported plans to file lawsuit challenging Arizona immigration law
6/14/2010: US mayors passed resolution opposing Arizona immigration law
6/11/2010: Arizona officials asked judge to dismiss case challenging new immigration law
6/1/2010: Tucson joined Arizona immigration lawsuit
5/28/2010: Arizona governor removed state AG from immigration lawsuit defense
5/19/2010: Obama reaffirmed support for federal immigration reform
5/17/2010: ACLU filed lawsuit seeking injunction against Arizona immigration law
5/10/2010: UN rights experts claimed Arizona immigration law may violate international standards
5/1/2010: Nationwide rallies protested Arizona immigration law
5/1/2010: Arizona governor signed bill amending controversial immigration law
4/27/2010: Lawsuits challenged Arizona immigration law
4/26/2010: Mexico president criticized Arizona immigration law
4/23/2010: Arizona governor signed controversial illegal immigration bill
4/22/2010: Obama criticized proposed Arizona illegal immigrant law
4/19/2010: Arizona Senate approved strict illegal immigration bill
2/10/2010: Report indicated US illegal immigrant population declined in 2009
1/20/2010: Supreme Court ruled federal courts can review motions to reopen immigration cases
12/15/2009: Democratic lawmakers introduced immigration reform bill
12/3/2009: Reports claimed US immigration detention system violates individual rights
11/13/2009: DHS announced plans for immigration reform legislation
10/7/2009: DHS rescinded controversial ‘no-match’ employment rule
10/6/2009: US announced improvements to immigration detention facilities
8/17/2009: ICE acknowledged previously unreported immigration detainee deaths
8/6/2009: ICE announced major reforms to immigration detention policy
7/13/2009: Federal judge granted class-action status for immigrant fee challenge
7/10/2009: US immigration authorities announced changes to local enforcement policies
6/3/2009: US shifted focus of immigration enforcement from raids to employers
6/3/2009: US AG Holder reversed order denying deportees ineffective counsel claim
5/7/2009: White House proposed elimination of illegal alien incarceration program
4/22/2009: Supreme Court ruled traditional test governs stay of deportation requests
4/15/2009: Former federal prosecutor appointed to oversee US border policy
4/1/2009: Detained US immigrants sued ICE for facility conditions
3/25/2009: Rights group claimed US immigrant detention policy violates international Law
3/15/2009: Report revealed record number of detained US immigrants
2/24/2009: US Secretary of Homeland Security called for review of workplace immigration raid
2/4/2009: Bush immigration enforcement policies shown to be ineffective
1/7/2009: US AG ruled aliens cannot challenge deportation for ineffective legal assistance
11/6/2008: ICE reported US deporting record levels of undocumented immigrants
10/7/2008: Hundreds of suspected illegal aliens arrested in South Carolina raid
9/17/2008: Ninth Circuit rejected challenge to Arizona immigration law
9/4/2008: San Francisco mayor put ID card program on hold
9/3/2008: Dallas suburb faced lawsuit over ordinance targeting illegal immigrants
8/22/2008: US immigration authority abandoned voluntary deportation program
8/12/2008: US Homeland Security settled suit alleging naturalization delays
8/5/2008: ICE launched voluntary deportation program for illegal immigrants
7/24/2008: Arizona court ruled illegal immigrants can be prosecuted under anti-smuggling law
7/23/2008: San Francisco criticized for immigrant sanctuary law
6/9/2008: Bush executive order required federal contractors to certify US employment eligibility
6/4/2008: Federal judge enjoined Oklahoma immigration law employer provisions
5/24/2008: Hundreds of illegal immigrants sentenced to prison after Iowa raid
5/16/2008: Texas group sued Chertoff to block border fence construction
5/14/2008: US immigration agents faced problems transiting drugged deportees overseas
4/17/2008: Maine governor signed bill to stop illegal aliens from obtaining state IDs
4/4/2008: Rights groups challenged Arizona illegal immigrant bail law
4/3/2008: ICE sued over ‘illegal’ immigration raids
3/27/2008: Rhode Island governor signed order cracking down on illegal immigrants
3/24/2008: Dallas suburb enforced ordinance targeting illegal immigrants despite injunction
2/28/2008: Federal appeals court denied injunction against Arizona immigration law
2/26/2008: Labor panel said US immigration raids violating constitutional rights of workers
2/19/2008: Federal judge denied injunction against Arizona immigration law
2/13/2008: Chertoff reported DHS to approve ‘virtual fence’ on Mexico border
2/7/2008: Federal judge upheld Arizona immigration law
2/5/2008: Dallas suburb sued over revised rental ordinance targeting illegal immigrants
2/1/2008: US settled lawsuit over alleged forced drugging of immigrants
1/9/2008: US immigration officials told to seek court orders before sedating unwilling deportees
1/3/2008: Oklahoma immigration law faced new court challenge
12/12/2007: Rights groups filed new challenge to Arizona immigration law
12/7/2007: Federal judge upheld Arizona immigration law
11/30/2007: Federal judge rejected challenge to Virginia county immigration measures
11/27/2007: Federal appeals court affirmed dismissal of Massachusetts immigration raid lawsuit
10/22/2007: Federal judge dismissed lawsuit challenging Oklahoma immigration law
10/17/2007: DOJ figures showed increase in terrorism, immigration prosecutions
10/15/2007: Hispanic group challenged Oklahoma immigration law
9/24/2007: Federal government challenged Illinois immigration law
9/20/2007: ICE sued over immigration raids
8/22/2007: New Jersey AG ordered stricter reporting of illegal immigrant arrests
8/10/2007: Bush administration unveiled new immigration reforms
8/6/2007: NCSL reported state legislatures introducing more immigration laws
7/26/2007: Federal judge struck down Pennsylvania city illegal immigration laws
7/17/2007: HRW claimed US deportation of immigrants convicted of crimes ‘cruel’ and ‘senseless’
7/13/2007: GAO reported US detaining many more illegal immigrants
6/28/2007: US Senate rejected immigration reform bill
6/27/2007: Senate rejected two amendments to revived immigration bill
6/26/2007: Senate revived controversial immigration reform bill
6/19/2007: Chertoff, senators sparred over immigration reform bill
6/19/2007: ACLU lawsuit claimed US forcibly drugged immigrants during deportation bids
6/19/2007: Republicans introduced tougher immigration bill in US House
6/14/2007: Bush pushed for more border security funding in immigration bill
6/13/2007: ACLU filed lawsuit for immigration detainees seeking medical care
6/07/2007: Immigration reform bill stalled in Senate after cloture vote fails
6/6/2007: Federal appeals court allowed asylum for victims of forced abortions
6/6/2007: US Senate limited proposed temporary guest worker program to five years
5/25/2007: UN rights investigator said US committing violations
5/23/2007: Temporary guest worker program trimmed in Senate
5/22/2007: Federal agents arrested over 100 for immigration violations in Missouri raid
5/22/2007: Temporary guest worker program survived Senate opposition
5/21/2007: Federal court blocked Dallas suburb anti-illegal immigration ordinance
5/19/2007: White House defended immigration reform deal
5/17/2007: White House, senators struck immigration reform deal
5/15/2007: Dallas suburb anti-illegal immigration ordinance challenged in court
5/12/2007: Dallas suburb voters backed revised anti-illegal immigration ordinance
5/10/2007: Federal judge rejected Massachusetts return bid by immigration detainees
5/1/2007: Protestors across US marched for immigration reforms
4/22/2007: San Francisco mayor maintained city’s status as illegal immigrant ‘sanctuary’
3/22/2007: Pennsylvania city illegal immigration law trial concluded
3/14/2007: Pennsylvania city mayor testified in support of anti-illegal immigration laws
3/14/2007: Bush pressed immigration reform after meeting with new Mexico president
3/12/2007: Federal court weighed Pennsylvania city laws against illegal immigrants
2/21/2007: Mexico lobbied US for immigration reform
2/8/2007: Reported indicated US deportation practices hurting asylum-seekers
6/3/2006: Citizenship proof required for US-born infant Medicaid recipients under new policy
5/21/2006: Homeland Security said more funds needed for immigrant deportation