Gay and lesbian Americans have made important and lasting contributions to our Nation in every field of endeavor. Too often, however, gays and lesbians face prejudice and discrimination; too many have had to hide or deny their sexual orientation in...
Presidential Documents
Fifty-five years ago this month, the torch of freedom burned bright in Europe once again as Nazi Germany surrendered to the Allied Forces. Four months later, with the defeat of Imperial Japan, World War II—history's bloodiest and most destructive conflict—finally...
1. On May 30, 1998, pursuant to section 203 of the Trade Act of 1974, as amended (the “Trade Act”) (19 U.S.C. 2253), I issued Proclamation 7103, which imposed quantitative limitations on certain wheat gluten imports provided for in subheadings...
For many Americans, Memorial Day has come to signify the beginning of summer, the opening of the neighborhood pool, and a time for picnics and barbecues. In the midst of these festivities, however, we can too often overlook the holiday's...
Americans have always looked to the sea as a source of prosperity and security. Bounded by two oceans and the Gulf of Mexico, with the Great Lakes, the Saint Lawrence Seaway, scores of harbors, ports, and inlets, and thousands of...
In accordance with section 202(d) of the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)), I am continuing for 1 year the national emergency declared on May 30, 1992, with respect to the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro), as expanded...
The prosperity the United States enjoys today is due, in no small part, to our strong trading relationships with other nations. The World Trade Organization, the North American Free Trade Agreement, and 270 other agreements have helped us to open...
The men and women who own and operate our Nation's 25 million small businesses have made, and continue to make, an indispensable contribution to America's economic strength and success. These entrepreneurs possess many of the characteristics that have always defined...
Living in a country bordered by oceans and blessed with abundant lakes and rivers, Americans have made recreational boating one of our Nation's most popular pastimes. Each year, more than 74 million Americans take to the water with family and...
Throughout the past century, America's national transportation system has played a crucial role in strengthening our economy, protecting our safety, and improving the quality of life for all Americans. Interconnecting networks of railroads, ports, and waterways have transported millions of...