© WikiMedia (Sean Spicer, White House Press Secretary)

US President Donald Trump issued a proclamation Monday temporarily suspending new work visas, preventing hundreds of thousands of foreign workers from seeking employment in the US. This proclamation, which will be in effect at least through the end of 2020, will block the entry of foreigners who possess the H-1B visa. The president suggested that [...]


The US Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit refused Tuesday to block enforcement of the Illinois COVID-19 order capping the number of individuals attending a religious service at 10. Two churches contended that Executive Order 2020-38 violates their rights under the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment, as applied to the states by [...]

Felipe Esquivel Reed

Amnesty International reported Tuesday that the COVID-19 contact tracing apps in Bahrain, Kuwait and Norway violate privacy laws. The contact tracing apps intended to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus have placed thousands of people at risk, according to research by the Amnesty security lab. The app in Kuwait and Bahrain requires a National [...]


Hungary’s Parliament voted unanimously Tuesday to repeal powers granted to Prime Minister Viktor Orban to fight COVID-19. Parliament passed a law on March 30 that granted Orban the power to rule by decree. This power was granted to fight COVID-19, and the law did not set a deadline for the measures. In April 13 EU [...]

rottonara / Pixabay

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Monday revoked the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) that allowed for chloroquine phosphate (CQ) and hydroxychloroquine sulfate (HCQ) to be used to treat certain hospitalized patients with COVID-19. Under § 564 of the federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, the authorization of a product for emergency use may [...]