andibreit / Pixabay

The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Monday ruled that no-excuse mail-in voting and early voting are permissable under the state’s constitution. After Massachusett Governor Charlie Baker signed the VOTES Act in June, the law faced legal challenges from Massachusetts Republicans. On Monday, the court declined to grant an injunction blocking the law’s implementation. The new law makes [...]

mufidpwt / Pixabay

The US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit Monday issued an order stating that the court will rehear Feds for Medical Freedom v. Biden, a challenge to President Joe Biden’s 2019 executive order which required federal employees to be vaccinated against COVID-19 or face termination. In late May and early June, the America First Legal [...]

© WikiMedia (E. Murray)

The World Trade Organization (WTO) early Friday agreed to the first changes to global trade regulations in many years, following contentious round-the-clock negotiations. Seven decisions and declarations were agreed upon by day six of the WTO Ministerial Conference, which was originally planned for four days. Much of the contention came from negotiations around an intellectual [...]


Human Rights Watch (HRW) Thursday urged members of the African Union (AU) to take drastic steps to protect young girls and women. The report was released on the AU’s the Day of the African Child. Among the concerns raised by HRW are child marriage, free education for children, and allowing pregnant girls and young women [...]


Vietnamese authorities have arrested senior officials for bribery, including Chu Ngoc Anh, former Minister of Science and Technology, Nguyen Thanh Long, Minister of Health, and Pham Cong Tac, former Deputy Minister of Science and Technology. The case against the officials stems from the inflation of COVID-19 test kit prices by the Viet-A Technology Corporation. Phan [...]


India’s $265 billion COVID relief package has been criticized by many experts as falling short of expectations. In a speech before releasing the package, the Indian Prime Minister declared that the package will focus on land, labor, liquidity, and laws. The majority of the discussion has been around the proportion of fiscal and liquidity relief [...]


Throughout the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic, the demand for protective equipment, hand sanitizers, and other disinfecting materials has been on a steady rise, ushering an increased effort for mass production both in the United States and around the world. While many domestic and international factories shift from manufacturing consumer goods to medical-grade supplies, there [...]


Albert Camus, 20th-century French writer, published in 1956, the book “La Chute” (The Fall), achieving public success and criticism. A year later, in 1957, Camus received the Nobel Prize for Literature, for his work as a whole. La Chute is a monologue in which the character Jean-Baptiste Clamence, a lawyer, discusses his life and values, criticizing himself [...]


The coronavirus epidemic has upended every aspect of our lives. For weeks, people have been stuck at home, unable to go to their jobs, see their friends, run errands, or even go outside. Most businesses are closed or offer only very limited service. The same is true of public services, some of which are limited, [...]