StockSnap / Pixabay

Police in China charged Chen Pin Lin, director of documentary “Not the Foreign Force,” with “picking quarrels and provoking trouble,” according to Chinese human rights news watchdogs Weiquanwang and Civil Rights and Livelihood Watch. The Thursday charges come after Chen’s arrest in January 2024. He has been in detention for more than a month. In [...]


William Hibbitts is JURIST’s Deputy Editorial Director. He files this report from Halifax, Nova Scotia. A Canadian Federal Court judge ruled Tuesday in Ottawa that the Canadian government exceeded its authority and violated some protesters’ constitutional rights by invoking the federal Emergencies Act in response to the 2022 Freedom Convoy protests, which brought Canada’s capital [...]

zibik / Pixabay

The Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection of Beijing, China on Wednesday rolled out a list with 10 categories of wrongdoings to avoid for government officials who deal with entrepreneurs in the city to give a push to the private sector. China’s private sector contributes to more than 60 percent of the country’s Gross Domestic Product [...]

U.S. Department of State from United States, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson gave testimony to the COVID-19 Inquiry, a body examining the UK’s response to the coronavirus pandemic, on Wednesday and Thursday. During the hearing, he acknowledged that his government “may have made mistakes” in their handling of the pandemic and said he was “deeply sorry for the pain and suffering” [...]


The National Anti-Corruption Directorate (DNA) of Romania announced Thursday the initiation of a criminal investigation into a high-profile case involving the procurement of COVID-19 vaccines targeting three individuals, including former Prime Minister Florin Cîțu and former Ministers of Health Vlad Voiculescu and Ioana Mihăilă, for alleged crimes of abuse of office. In a press release, [...]

Grendelkhan, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The arguments made by the autonomous vehicle (AV) industry for limited regulation and rapid deployment of self-driving car technology bear a striking resemblance to the discussion about the US regulatory response to Covid-19 vaccines. Both appeal to exigent circumstances as a reason for rapid action to save lives, even if that means throwing some precautions [...]

Wikimedia / U.S. Air Force Master Sgt. Adam M. Stump

The recent return of the military to the national political scene happens in a moment in which the democratic regimes, in Brazil and in the world, suffer the decline of trust in liberal-democratic institutions. The current militarization has been associated by some authors with a current global, systemic and structural conjecture with variations, from a [...]


The government of the state of Meghalaya introduced a policy that made it compulsory for individuals to get vaccinated before they resume work. The policy was declared unconstitutional by the High Court of Meghalaya in June 2021 on the basis that it violated a myriad of fundamental rights including the right to privacy, right to [...]


The pandemic has created a jigsaw puzzle of fear, anxiety and uncertainty among the patients; however, the doctors during this havoc have tirelessly worked as frontline warriors saving millions of lives while putting theirs at risk. Since the pandemic began, over 1,500 doctors have selflessly sacrificed their lives only to find themselves standing at a [...]