China released Wang Quanzhang, a human rights lawyer, from jail Sunday according to BBC reports. Wang defended political activists, religious minorities, and victims of land seizure from Chinese prosecution. Though authorities released Wang from jail, he is placed on a mandatory quarantine in the city of Jinan for fourteen days. Chinese officials contend that the [...]
The U.S. Supreme Court postponed oral arguments scheduled for April as a result of the coronavirus pandemic on Friday. The court is considering alternative options for handling the various outstanding cases. This announcement comes after the Supreme Court postponed arguments scheduled for its March session. Court spokeswoman, Kathleen Arberg state, “in keeping with the public [...]
The Pennsylvania Supreme Court denied a request by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) to order the release from county jails certain classes of persons in response to possible covid-19 outbreaks. The ACLU had filed an application for relief under the court’s King’s Bench jurisdiction, which would allow the court to decide an issue that [...]
3M Corporation released a statement Friday morning suggesting it may not comply with a Trump administration request that it cease exporting N95 respirators to Canada and Latin America. On Thursday the president issued a memorandum ordering the company to prioritize orders from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for the respirators. The memorandum formally invoked [...]
Kentucky Circuit Court judges on Tuesday ordered at least four COVID-19 patients to wear GPS ankle monitors for allegedly breaking self-isolation orders. The first order was issued after a patient broke self-quarantine to shop on March 21. On March 27, Judge Charles Cunningham ordered two relatives to wear ankle monitors after one tested positive and [...]