Plato’s Republic states “Necessity is the mother of all invention.” But, in a world infected with a pandemic, it’s the insecurity of others that drives the creation of the invention. The world is moving to more and more digital platforms more than ever and this creates a responsibility to advertise products with caution with all [...]
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With the COVID-19 pandemic showing no signs of retreat in nearly 180 countries across the globe, the race for discovering the vaccine for it is ongoing at a hysterical pace. Scientists and Medical Institutions around the world are working day and night to find a cure. While major pharmaceutical companies around the world have locked [...]
The entire world is grappling with the COVID-19 catastrophe which according to Johns Hopkins University & Medicine has affected the lives of at least 13.4 million people and the demise of more than 581,000 people across the globe. Due to the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, numerous countries were forced to implement nationwide lockdowns resulting [...]
Multiple jurisdictions have made the decision to switch to remote bar exams in October, in lieu of in-person exams in July and September. This is a laudable interim decision because it eliminates for so many the primary concern with this year’s bar exam cycle: exposure to COVID-19. For countless examinees, the stress of their own [...]
The diploma privilege movement is beginning to pick up steam around the country as the risks become clear and the harm to graduates comes home to roost. The movement has eloquent and intelligent defenses popping up all across the country. I won’t pretend that I can offer a better defense than some of the tightly [...]
I know. You are thinking what on earth is this guy talking about and why is he not buried in preparation for the bar. Well, the former will be explained shortly, and in regard to the latter…it is my lunch break. When I first moved to Lexington for undergrad, I had yet to receive my [...]
With a view to ensure that classes are not scheduled online, this week, the Trump administration is considering a policy targeting nonimmigrant F-1 and M-1 students. The policy position is that students on these visas attending schools that operate entirely online may not take a full online course load and remain in the United States. [...]
As all of our schools are confronting some version of this, I pass this along that was shared with me. This twitter chain details how another student housing entity called Corvias is putting pressure on the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia to have student housing be full. It points out the [...]
“If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.” – Andy McIntyre The COVID-19 pandemic has created an unprecedented global crisis in various sectors throughout the world. Education, in particular, is affected in some ways. The education which was previously received in the classrooms has now totally gone digital. This enabled the platform of [...]
July 4 is here, and we have an opportunity to adopt a more truthful narrative about the celebration of our nation’s birth and the racism upon which it was formed. This year while we look back on the almost 250 years since Americans freed themselves from England’s oppression, we must acknowledge that our nation has [...]