Commentaries by Pedro H. Villas Bôas Castelo Branco and Carina Barbosa Gouvêa

Wikimedia / U.S. Air Force Master Sgt. Adam M. Stump

The recent return of the military to the national political scene happens in a moment in which the democratic regimes, in Brazil and in the world, suffer the decline of trust in liberal-democratic institutions. The current militarization has been associated by some authors with a current global, systemic and structural conjecture with variations, from a [...]

gleidiconrodrigues / Pixabay

In almost the whole world, distrust of political institutions delegitimizes their representation, leaving us without a shelter that protects us in the name of common interest. The rupture in the relationship between the rulers and the ruled makes this conflict even more profound, with devastating consequences that arise from the inability to deal with the [...]