The joy and amazement Second Amendment supporters felt in July at two Ninth Circuit Appeals Court opinions were dashed in August when, in Pena v. Lindley the Ninth Circuit upheld California’s Unsafe Handgun Act banning purchase of new handguns that lack technology no current gun has and no manufacturer is contemplating. Although the two July opinions [...]
Commentaries by Joyce Lee Malcolm
JURIST Guest Columnist Joyce Lee Malcolm of George Mason University Antonin Scalia Law School discusses the impact that a recent court opinion will have on Chicago residents and their Second Amendment rights...This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States...
JURIST Guest Columnist Joyce Lee Malcolm of the George Mason School of Law discusses judicial precedent for Second Amendment rights...The decision of Connecticut judge Barbara Bellis to ignore federal law by permitting gun manufacturers to be sued for criminal use...
JURIST Guest Columnist Joyce Lee Malcolm of George Mason University School of Law discusses Vermont's evolving gun law... Much to the frustration of gun control advocates who rate Vermont as "F," the state with the highest per capita gun ownership...