Peter Henning, Wayne State University Law School:"An article in the Wall Street Journal...states that two senior American International Group Inc. executives -- Howard Smith, the company's CFO, and Christian Milton, a vice president -- have been fired because they indicated...
Peggy McGuiness, Missouri Columbia School of Law:"Kofi Annan is scheduled to announce in a talk to the General Assembly today that he will push for major reform at the UN, including replacing the HR Commission with a HR council, expanding...
Stephen Bainbridge :"Now that Congress has approved the legislation to give federal courts jurisdiction over the Terry Schiavo case, I am finding myself oddly unable to reach a definitive assessment of that action. As I see it, Congress'...
Larry Ribstein, University of Illinois College of Law:"Schiavo is about abortion, at least that much is obvious. Terri Schiavo is a "fetus" tethered by life-giving machines rather than to her mother. There's speculation about whether she shows signs of life....
Michael Froomkin, University of Miami School of Law:"So much one could say about the entire Schiavo mess; How can the GOP support this anti-federalist measure without any hint of shame? How can the same GOP that says federal power should...
JURIST Guest Columnists Jamal Jafari and Paul R. Williams of the Public International Law and Policy Group and American University's Washington College of Law insist that under legal standards the situation in Darfur constitutes genocide, whether the UN classifies it...
JURIST Guest Columnist Admiral John Hutson (Ret. USN), former Navy Judge Advocate General, President and Dean of Franklin Pierce Law Center, and now a party to the ACLU torture suit against Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld, wonders what myriad reports of...
JURIST Guest Columnist Jordan Paust of the University of Houston Law Center says that not only does the President have the authority to direct states to comply with a decision of the International Court of Justice, but in fact he...
JURIST Contributing Editor Marjorie Cohn of Thomas Jefferson School of Law in San Diego notes that with the Supreme Court's recent ruling in Roper v. Simmons, the United States has finally joined the community of nations that says the state-sanctioned...
Ellen S. Podgor, Georgia State University College of Law:"With the upcoming release of Martha Stewart from prison, the press is writing of her experiences and future. The Wall Street Journal provides a view of her life in prison here, AP...