Professional Commentary

The Afghanistan Independent Bar Association (AIBA) was founded in 2008 with the aim of promoting fair trials, enhancing public trust in the legal profession, fostering collaboration among justice sector stakeholders, fostering the next generation of committed legal professionals, and combating administrative corruption in a country ravaged by war. The Association spurred the rise of a [...]


Tensions between U.S. presidents and the press date back to George Washington. America’s founding father found himself gnashing his hippopotamus ivory dentures when newspapers accused him of monarchical rule. Few subsequent American leaders have been spared harsh media criticism. Abe Lincoln was lambasted by some of the most influential newspapers of his time for his [...]

(c) Wikimedia Commons (VOA)

The Taliban’s ascension to power in Afghanistan two years ago dealt two significant blows to the nation’s legal system. Firstly, they orchestrated a mass release of prisoners, most of whom were Taliban fighters convicted of severe crimes. This unexpected action placed court personnel who had been involved in their sentencing in immediate danger, making them [...]


Accountability in law is a cornerstone for more stable societies. Both domestically and internationally holding those who step away from the law accountable deters the future perpetration of crimes. Justice mechanisms that work together bolster that effort and enhance efficiencies that breed confidence in assured justice. Since the invasion by the Russian Federation into Ukraine, [...]

mikemacmarketing/Wikimedia Commons

Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a main competitive advantage for the 21st century is rapidly gaining momentum on the world stage. Its accelerating capabilities and potential are so significant that it will transform nearly all aspects of our societies, including the economy, education, healthcare, the law, national security, and beyond. It is becoming the driver for [...]


In 2014, Florida’s Fourth District Court of Appeal in Sargeant v. Al-Saleh held that a trial court does not have authority to order a debtor to turn over stock certificates located abroad in order to satisfy a judgment under Fla. Stat. § 56.29(6), which reads as follows: The court may order any property of the [...]


Corruption was endemic throughout the Trump administration. Throughout the entire length of his administration, corruption and high turnover was a daily occurrence, threatening the strength and integrity of government institutions and, in some cases, indirectly resulting in the deaths of Americans. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) was in no way immune to allegations of [...]