Professional Commentary

JURIST Guest Columnist Patricia DeGennaro, International Affairs Specialist and Senior Fellow at the World Policy Institute, says that the recent killing of Muammar Gaddafi sets a dangerous precedent of deposing dictators through military force over diplomatic efforts..."We came, we saw,...


After the local Human Rights Ombudsman filed an action of unconstitutionality, the 11 justices of the Supreme Court of Mexico gathered last month to discuss and rule on the constitutionality of an amendment to the Constitution of Baja California  effectively banning abortions. The state of Baja California is one of 32 federal entities of Mexico. Although politicians and [...]


Tarren Bragdon, CEO of the Foundation for Government Accountability, argues that Florida's drug testing policy is an effective policy, can serve as a model for other states and could save hundreds of millions of dollars nationally...While Judge Mary Scriven, a...