JURIST Guest Columnist Charles Duan of The Patent Reform Project at Public Knowledge discusses problems in Patent Law and Nautilus v. Biosig Instruments... The patent system is intended to incentivize invention and the spread of knowledge. As part of dispatching...
Professional Commentary
JURIST Guest Columnist Sophie Richardson of Human Rights Watch discusses the EU and human rights issues in China... This year will see a pair of quarter-century anniversaries of key political events in China and Europe: the remembrance in June of...
Adam R. Banner, Oklahoma Legal Group
Joseph La Rue, Alliance Defending Freedom
JURIST Guest Columnist Eric Lasker of Hollingsworth LLP discusses standing and City of New York v. Exxon Mobil Corp.... It is a fundamental tenet of our constitutional system of justice that courts are limited in jurisdiction to cases or controversies...
JURIST Guest Columnist Mary Wareham of Human Rights Watch discusses the US use of landmines and the possibility of the US joining the Mine Ban Treaty... Since antipersonnel landmines were banned by a majority of nations 15 years ago via...
Brian T. Hodges, Pacific Legal Foundation
William Hays Weissman, Littler Mendelson
JURIST Guest Columnists Daniel B. Levin and Victoria A. Degtyareva of Munger, Tolles & Olson LLP discuss the federal bank fraud statute and Loughrin v. United States... Kevin Loughrin and an accomplice used six stolen and altered checks to steal...
JURIST Guest Columnist Hanan Salah of Human Rights Watch says that if the Libyan government does not take immediate steps to rectify its dysfunctional justice system it risks a complete collapse... This past week, Libya's official television station broadcasted a...