JURIST Guest Columnist Raymond J. Toney discusses the proposed changes to the boards of correction of military records...Senators Boxer, Wyden and Markey have introduced much-needed legislation, the “Legal Justice For Servicemembers Act,” to overhaul protections for military whistleblowers, including...
Professional Commentary
JURIST Guest Columnists Alan Ellis and Mark H. Allenbaugh, discuss the US Sentencing Commission votes for fundamental fixes to the US Sentencing Guidelines ... On April 9, 2015, the US Sentencing Commission voted to fundamentally fix some portions of the...
JURIST Guest Columnist Jordan Lorence of Alliance Defending Freedom discusses the benefits of religious freedom to liberty protections ... Listening carefully to objections to state religious freedom laws, two assumptions emerge that are demonstratively false. Those who assert them...
JURIST Guest Columnist Roxane Peyser of the Law Office of Roxane Peyser in Lyons, Colorado discusses the issues in question concerning challenges to Colorado's legalization of marijuana...The requirement that a plaintiff have standing is derived from Article III of the...
JURIST Guest Columnist Raymond J. Toney of the Law Offices of Raymond J. Toney discusses recent changes to the US military's records review process ...Since the 1989 decision of the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit...
JURIST Guest Columnist Christopher Edwards, of Bowles Rice, LLP in Charleston, WV, discusses the proposed legislative changes to West Virginia's workers' compensation scheme ... Workers' Compensation programs provide important benefits to both employees and employers. If an employee is injured...
JURIST Guest Columnist Belkis Wille, Yemen researcher at Human Rights Watch, discusses the current dilemma in Yemen...The present global turmoil has intensified the debate over whether pursuing justice in fragile and transitional countries leads to instability. Yet Yemen has been...
JURIST Guest Columnist Jacob Huebert, of the Liberty Justice Center, discusses a new Illinois eavesdropping law and argues that the Illinois legislators should repeal the law as it violates constitutional principles and individual freedoms...For a few weeks in late 2014,...
JURIST Guest Columnists Elizabeth C. Varner, Diane Penneys Edelman and Leila Amineddoleh of Lawyers' Committee for Cultural Heritage Preservation respond to the piece by Walter Olson on Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act and counter his assertion that the...
JURIST Guest Columnist Angelique Devaux, French Qualified Attorney, discusses the newest occurrences of succession in Europe ...It is just the beginning of 2015, and it is accompanied by a number of new reforms, new laws and new regulations that shall...