JURIST Guest Columnist Cristián Correa of the International Center for Transitional Justice discusses how waterboarding, if not torturous treatment, is at the very least illegal... In a recent academic commentary, Professor Jeffrey F. Addicott claims that the use of waterboarding...
Professional Commentary
JURIST Guest Columnist Neil Sammonds, a Syria Researcher at Amnesty International, discusses the upcoming negotiations and possible solutions regarding the violence in Syria... The negotiations set to recommence in Geneva on April 11, 2016 and the recent reduction of hostilities...
JURIST Guest Columnist Sari Bashi of Human Rights Watch discusses the flaws of Israeli judicial review in the context of Mohammed al-Qeeq's hunger strike... After 93 days of refusing food, an emaciated Palestinian journalist named Mohammed al-Qeeq resumed eating on...
JURIST Guest Columnists David Frakt discusses President Obama's recent Supreme Court nomination...Yesterday, President Obama nominated Judge Merrick Garland to serve on the US Supreme Court. Within minutes, the Republicans in the Senate confirmed, as they had previously made clear, that...
JURIST Guest Columnists Evan M. Meyers and Paul Geske of McGuire Law, PC discuss the US Supreme Court's recent decision in Campbell-Ewald Co. v. Gomez and the implications of this decision...The US Supreme Court’s recent January 20, 2016 decision in...
JURIST Guest Columnist Akhil Kang, discusses a case in Punjab and Haryana High court where castrated cis-gendered men brought a criminal case against religious groups claiming that they were induced to undergo castration on the promise of attaining higher enlightenment......
JURIST Guest Columnist Daniel J. Wright of The Law Office of Daniel Wright discusses the need to revisit life without parole sentencing in the US justice system..."No one truly knows a nation," Nelson Mandela wrote, "until one has been inside...
JURIST Guest Columnist Nicholas M. Wooldridge of LV Criminal Defense discusses the Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act of 2015 and its problematic aftereffects on offenders, society and the criminal justice system...The Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act of 2015 has not...
JURIST Guest Columnist Dimitrina Petrova of Equal Rights Trust discusses the need to reduce inequality as a development goal in order to reach a prime Sustainable Development Goal (SDG)... As we entered 2016, a new resolution to "transform our world"...
JURIST Guest Columnist Craig Welch of LWC Policy Consulting, Inc. discusses legislation regulating tobacco packaging in the international context, and related health and safety issues... A recent Investor State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) decision in Singapore represents a major setback for...