Professional Commentary

Many practitioners, to say nothing of members of the press, recently have come to ask: “What’s up with John Roberts? Has he become a liberal?” This, of course, started with National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius, where the Chief Justice voted with the four liberal justices to uphold the Affordable Care Act. But it [...]


Just three months ago, IT departments at companies across the world were focused on configuring networks, as well as installing equipment and software to make telecommuting work as efficient and safe (from a cybersecurity perspective) as possible. Now, as we enter the beginning phases of “return to work,” the focus must shift 180 degrees in [...]

(c) Gianni Castellanos

En Irvine, enclavada en el corazón del rico condado de Orange, California, y escondido en un parque empresarial con jardines y paisajes cuidados y vibrantes, existe una cárcel vacía. La cárcel James A. Musick, manejado por el Departamento del Sheriff del condado de Orange, un departamento conocido por sus escándalos, violencia, y negligencia, expandirá. En [...]

(c) Gianni Castellanos

In Irvine, nestled in the heart of wealthy Orange County, California, hidden within a technology business park replete with vibrant, meticulously manicured landscaping, sits an empty jail. The unnecessary James A. Musick Facility, operated by the Orange County Sheriff’s Department, a department known for scandal, violence, and negligence, is slated for expansion. Rather than putting [...]


The conflict between Israel and Palestine and climate change are factors which have been feeding each other for many years, especially when there is no apparent comprehensive solution on the horizon. The political conflict and climate change have had a severe ongoing impact on Palestine, especially for water restrictions. Nevertheless, Israel and Palestine have international [...]


The entire world is grappling with the COVID-19 catastrophe which according to Johns Hopkins University & Medicine has affected the lives of at least 13.4 million people and the demise of more than 581,000 people across the globe. Due to the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, numerous countries were forced to implement nationwide lockdowns resulting [...]


The names Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd have been spoken in virtually every American household during 2020. As the Black Lives Matter movement gains unprecedented growth and media attention, many White sympathizers are asking themselves (some for the first time): “how can I help effectuate real change?” That answer, in part, begins with [...]

© WikiMedia (OSeveno)

Recently the committee mandated to draw up a list of candidates to be Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) and reported out to the Assembly of States Parties on 30 June the list of candidates to be considered. The report is comprehensive as to its procedures and methodologies. Buried in the report is a [...]