Professional Commentary

Since March 2020, the American legal community has been upended by the COVID-19 pandemic. As the nation sits on the brink of financial and housing, healthcare, election, and immigration crises, state supreme courts and bar examiners insist on implementing the bar exam, further delaying the licensure of thousands of incoming attorneys. Their ostensible reason? To [...]


At the height of a global pandemic, and shortly after the expiration of the CARES Act which provided a temporary safety net to millions of Californians, the Supreme Court of California issued an order denying retroactivity of the 1390 Cal Bar Exam (CBX) cut score to February 2020 applicants who had already met this standard. [...]


What do bar exams have in common with elections in the age of COVID-19, aside from the obvious implication that both are related to justice and the rule of law? Technology. While elections have been dealing with the pressures of technology for decades, state bar exams are traditionally huge in-person testing rituals relying heavily on [...]


2020 has been one hell of a year for all of us, and for once bar applicants aren’t left out of the summer action. Lucky us. A global pandemic, important social changes, homeschooled kids, housemates loudly participating in Zoom meetings from the living room, family members filming TikTok videos of their bread baking efforts from [...]


India’s $265 billion COVID relief package has been criticized by many experts as falling short of expectations. In a speech before releasing the package, the Indian Prime Minister declared that the package will focus on land, labor, liquidity, and laws. The majority of the discussion has been around the proportion of fiscal and liquidity relief [...]


Throughout the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic, the demand for protective equipment, hand sanitizers, and other disinfecting materials has been on a steady rise, ushering an increased effort for mass production both in the United States and around the world. While many domestic and international factories shift from manufacturing consumer goods to medical-grade supplies, there [...]


Many practitioners, to say nothing of members of the press, recently have come to ask: “What’s up with John Roberts? Has he become a liberal?” This, of course, started with National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius, where the Chief Justice voted with the four liberal justices to uphold the Affordable Care Act. But it [...]


Just three months ago, IT departments at companies across the world were focused on configuring networks, as well as installing equipment and software to make telecommuting work as efficient and safe (from a cybersecurity perspective) as possible. Now, as we enter the beginning phases of “return to work,” the focus must shift 180 degrees in [...]