Paul Caron, University of Cincinnati College of Law:"The IRS has announced that donations made for the benefit of the victims of the devastating tsunami last weekend in Southeast Asia may be tax deductible:Contributions to domestic, tax-exempt, charitable organizations that provide...
Professional Commentary
Anna Ryzhova, Kyiv:"Ukraine has bravely overcome the third Presidential election round. Last Sunday, Dec. 26th, as many as 77% of Ukrainian voters participated in the revote choosing their President.By 10 pm Dec 27th, the Central Elections Commission ("CEC") has processed...
Ellen Podgor, Georgia State University College of Law:"AP wires report that Former Governor Rowland of Connecticut pled guilty to one count of conspiracy with the specific offense being a deprivation of honest services. The AP story notes that "he plea...
Ellen Podgor, Georgia State University College of Law:"Other bloggers, like Doug Berman's Sentencing Blog (which includes comments of Margy Love, former pardon attorney for DOJ and now in private practice), Orin Kerr writing on the Volokh Conspiracy Blog, and the...
Douglas Berman, Moritz College of Law, Ohio State University:"According to this AP story, President George Bush granted four pardons today, which gives him a total of just 31 pardons and commutations during his first term. As the AP story notes,...
Mark Godsey, University of Cincinnati College of Law:"Handing a major victory to the Bush Administration, the Ninth Circuit on Monday in U.S. v. Afshari overturned a lower court decision and held Title 18 U.S. C. 2339B(a)(1) constitutional. This statute provides...
Anna Ryzhova, Kyiv:"Today, at noon under the EST time, Ukraine will be watching the nationally televised debate between Presidential candidates Victor Yushchenko and Victor Yanukovych. The debate this time is expected to be different from the previous one. A new...
Doug Berman, Moritz College of Law, Ohio State University:"The ruling by the Kansas Supreme Court yesterday in Marsh declaring the state's death penalty procedures unconstitutional (basics here) is yet another piece of evidence suggesting that the death penalty is now...
Michael Froomkin, University of Miami School of Law:"At Guantanamo, a Prison Within a Prison: Within the heavily guarded perimeters of the Defense Department's much-discussed Guantanamo Bay prison in Cuba, the CIA has maintained a detention facility for valuable al Qaeda...
Michael Froomkin, University of Miami School of Law:"You know you are in trouble when the House of Lords is more protective of civil rights than the US court system: Law lords back terror detainees:Detaining foreigners without trial under emergency anti-terror...