Jack Balkin, Yale Law School:"Today, in Johnson v. California, the Supreme Court held that California's practice of segregating newly arrived prisoners by race for up to 60 days was subject to strict scrutiny. Justice O'Connor wrote the majority opinion. Justices...
Professional Commentary
Jim Maule, Villanova Law School:"...ost, if not all, of the discussion presupposes continuation of the social security system, with changes in the way revenues are gathered to fund it. A few proposals discuss changing benefits, either...
Kenneth Anderson, Washington College of Law, American University:I want to go back to something that everyone has already talked to death - the UN report from a week or two back concluding that although Darfur involves mass murder, it does...
Peter Friedman , Case Law School:"Robert Novak outed Valerie Plame as a CIA agent, and yet Matthew Cooper and Judith Miller have to go to jail because they won't disclose their sources for the information that Novak published? In his...
Peter Friedman, Case Law School:"I'm disappointed in Diane Feinstein's and Barak Obama's support of the Class Action Fairness Act of 2005, which the Senate approved yesterday (with House approval and presidential signature anticipated) and which provides that large multistate class...
Richard Posner, University of Chicago Law School:"One of the commonest objections to President Bush's proposal for reform of social security is that there is no need to act now because there is no "crisis." Yet the same people who say...
Jack Balkin, Yale Law School:"In Hernandez v. Robles a New York State trial court judge held that the New York State constitution prohibited restricting marriage to opposite sex couples.The court held that prohibition on same sex couples violated the Due...
Julian Ku, Hofstra University School of Law:"This Reuters story suggests that a district court judge has held the Guantanamo Bay military tribunals unconstitutional. As usual, Reuters (and other news agencies) are overstating the scope of the decision. Rather, it is...
Douglas Berman :"The legal wrangling over the pending execution of serial killer (and death penalty "volunteer" Michael Ross is continuing in Connecticut. Howard Bashman at How Appealing has a lot of the newspaper coverage...
Vincent Rougeau :"The 60th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz and the recent controversies surrounding the confirmation of Alberto Gonzales made me think once again of Hannah Arendt's powerful words. The Associated Press reported yesterday that Muslim...