Julian Ku, Hofstra University School of Law:"Having failed to motivate myself to get down to D.C. for oral argument in Medellin, and being too cheap to shell out the money for an instant transcript, I will have to content myself...
Professional Commentary
Richard Posner, University of Chicago Law School:"Congress is on the verge of passing and the President of signing a major overhaul of the Bankruptcy Code. (See Summary and Changes). The new bankruptcy law, popularly termed the "Bankruptcy Reform Act," has...
Peter Henning, Wayne State University Law School:"An article in the Wall Street Journal...states that two senior American International Group Inc. executives -- Howard Smith, the company's CFO, and Christian Milton, a vice president -- have been fired because they indicated...
Peggy McGuiness, Missouri Columbia School of Law:"Kofi Annan is scheduled to announce in a talk to the General Assembly today that he will push for major reform at the UN, including replacing the HR Commission with a HR council, expanding...
Stephen Bainbridge :"Now that Congress has approved the legislation to give federal courts jurisdiction over the Terry Schiavo case, I am finding myself oddly unable to reach a definitive assessment of that action. As I see it, Congress'...
Larry Ribstein, University of Illinois College of Law:"Schiavo is about abortion, at least that much is obvious. Terri Schiavo is a "fetus" tethered by life-giving machines rather than to her mother. There's speculation about whether she shows signs of life....
Michael Froomkin, University of Miami School of Law:"So much one could say about the entire Schiavo mess; How can the GOP support this anti-federalist measure without any hint of shame? How can the same GOP that says federal power should...
Ellen S. Podgor, Georgia State University College of Law:"With the upcoming release of Martha Stewart from prison, the press is writing of her experiences and future. The Wall Street Journal provides a view of her life in prison here, AP...
Douglas Berman :"When the Supreme Court declared in Atkins v. Virginia, 536 U.S. 304 (2002), that the Eighth Amendment prohibited the execution of mentally retarded offenders, the Court punted a number of tough administrative...
Stephen Bainbridge :"I'm increasingly opposed to the death penalty on both pragmatic and moral grounds, but I nevertheless found much to agree with in Justice Antonin Scalia's scathing dissent from the Supreme Court's 5-4 decision striking down the...