In May 2021, a major American energy pipeline faced a massive cyber-attack that caused the US to lose 1.2 million barrels of fuel a day. Shortly after the attack, US intelligence found that the party responsible for the attack was from Russia. However, in terms of the Russian government’s involvement in the hack, US President [...]
Professional Commentary
During the last few weeks, the whole world closely followed what is happening in Jerusalem; neighborhoods like Sheikh Jarrah and Silwan started to be mentioned frequently in the international media and the stories of Palestinian families’ displacement started to get more attention around the world. Also, court hearings and court appeals started to be part [...]
With the commencement of 2021, antitrust investigations on a global level grew exponentially. The reason being, despite the world grappling with catastrophic COVID-19, surprisingly these enterprises added billions of dollars to their total market capitalization value. The regulatory concern is not with their increased revenue, but with their ignorant attitude and ever-growing dominance, which pose [...]
Any day now, the Supreme Court is set to release its opinion on Fulton v. City of Philadelphia, a case argued in October 2020. The central conflict in the case deals with a Catholic foster care organization that contracts with the city to screen potential foster parents for placement. Following the Court’s ruling in Bostock, [...]
On Friday the United States and people who respect justice around the world lost a very special jurist, William Ramsey Clark (December 18, 1927 – April 9, 2021), a man unique among lawyers for his steadfast commitment to justice for all. He served his country as the 66th Attorney General of the United States from [...]
A year into the pandemic, the ABA’s Standing Committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility published ABA Opinion 498, providing guidance on how lawyers can comply with the Rules of Professional Conduct while practicing virtually. The ABA Model Rules permit the virtual practice, defined as practicing law anywhere other than in a brick-and-mortar office. But they [...]
Much controversy surrounds the use of the flags associated with the Sri Lankan people, mainly because they are loaded with ethnic symbolism in a country recovering from a generation-long civil war along ethno-nationalist lines. The flags of concern here all feature big cats as central to their designs. Big cats, wherever they occur, have been [...]
The recent review of the U.S. human rights record at the United Nations through the Universal Periodic Review process yielded 347 recommendations for improvement, 80% of which the U.S. accepted. Among them were several urging the U.S. to rescind a Trump-era executive order targeting the International Criminal Court (ICC) and those who support it. Just [...]
Whether it is “investing” in meme stocks like GameStop or rushing to a convenience store to purchase a chance at winning a $1 billion Mega Millions jackpot, Americans are hungry for an opportunity to get rich fast. After all, it has not helped that Congress continues to drag its feet in providing economic relief to [...]
The modern Administrative State “wields vast power and touches almost every aspect of daily life.” Ensuring accountability for the officials who exercise this vast power is no simple task. But the Supreme Court has the opportunity to improve what Madison called the “chain of dependence”—so that “those who are employed in the execution of the law will be [...]