Faculty Commentary

“There exists a deep-seated conviction among Americans that the Constitution is an expression of the Higher Law, that it is, in fact, imperfect man’s most perfect rendering of eternal law.” – Presidential scholar Clinton Rossiter Introduction: Following recent Trump-inspired attacks on the United States Capitol, a second impeachment of the President is now under active [...]


The monopolistic control lawyers and the Supreme Court assert over constitutional meaning is threatening to pervert and sidetrack congressional efforts to free Americans of a president who, even in his last ten days of office, terrifies millions of citizens across the political spectrum. The Constitution offers at least two paths by which “we the people” [...]


Because of his attempt to overturn the 2020 election and foment attacks on the Capitol, President Trump must be impeached. The key is to design an impeachment proceeding that not only results in Trump’s conviction by the Senate and future disqualification from federal office, but that is completed as swiftly as possible so that the [...]


“I… do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I bear true faith and allegiance to the same …” As a young newly minted second lieutenant in the United States Air Force and through each promotion to the rank [...]


On Christmas Eve, the European Union (‘EU’) and United Kingdom (‘UK’) finally reached a draft trade agreement (‘the Agreement’) that governs their post-Brexit affairs as of 01 January 2021. The deal, which has not yet been formally adopted or entered into force, comes to a hefty 1,246 pages and represents a major achievement of the [...]


“States shall not take….any measures which may be prejudicial to the international obligations they have assumed in regard to the detection, arrest, extradition and punishment of persons guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity.” – Principles of International Cooperation, General Assembly Resolution, 1973 “It’s not surprising that a criminal like Trump pardons other criminals, [...]

Pixabay / fatherfab

French Muslims are in the process of reconciling with the Fifth Republic of France, established with the 1958 Constitution, which declares France to be a secular state. In the past thirty years, secular issues have fractured social order as Muslim women, born and raised in France, wish to wear the hijab (headscarf) in schools and [...]


On 27 November 2020, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh was killed while traveling in his car just east of Tehran. It is understood that Fakhrizadeh was Iran’s foremost nuclear scientist and that he led the country’s efforts to develop a nuclear bomb. The details of the attack are a matter of doubt, with Iran claiming that Israel was the [...]


In a filing this past week with the Supreme Court in Texas v. Pennsylvania, Ohio’s Attorney General, David Yost, and its Solicitor General, Ben Flowers, lent support to Texas’s fanciful claim that Pennsylvania’s, Wisconsin’s, Michigan’s and Georgia’s presidential votes favoring Joe Biden were somehow “tainted” by the illegal “rewriting” of election laws by State courts [...]