JURIST Guest Columnist Dr. Laurent Pech, Jean Monnet Lecturer in European Union Law at the National University of Ireland, Galway, and a native of Aix-en-Provence who returned to France to vote in its referendum on the European Constitution, says that...
Faculty Commentary
JURIST Guest Columnist Michael Dougan, Professor of European Law and holder of the Jean Monnet Chair in EU Law at England's University of Liverpool Law School. says that the UK referendum on the treaty to establish a European Constitution is...
JURIST Guest Columnist Dr. Laurent Pech, Jean Monnet Lecturer in European Union Law at the National University of Ireland, Galway, says that the proposed European Constitution may be less than it's cracked up to be, and that its possible rejection...
JURIST Contributing Editor Ali Khan of Washburn University School of Law says that the ostensibly-successful Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, now under review in a month-long conference at the UN, may be on its last legs... Recognizing "the devastation that would be...
JURIST Guest Columnist Eugene Quinn of Syracuse University College of Law says that the US Supreme Court's pending decision in the Grokster case on file-sharing copyright infringement will likely involve a struggle with its landmark 1984 ruling on videotaping technology...
JURIST Special Guest Columnist William Lerach, senior partner of the Lerach Coughlin complex litigation firm headquartered in San Diego who has led the prosecution of hundreds of securities class and stockholder derivative actions recovering billions of dollars, says that the...
JURIST Guest Columnist Kristen Stilt of the University of Washington School of Law says that official US emphasis on the urgency of the forthcoming Iraqi constitutional process overlooks the fundamental question of whether such a process, undertaken now, will in...
JURIST Guest Columnist Paul Goda S.J. of Santa Clara University School of Law says that the procedures adopted for the election of a pope are founded on the conviction that there is a higher good to be served beyond the...
JURIST Guest Columnist Jide Nzelibe of Northwestern University School of Law says that if the new Iraqi government can stabilize the country's internal security situation, the time may be coming for President Bush to declare victory and order a US...
JURIST Guest Columnist Paul Goda S.J. of Santa Clara University School of Law says that Pope John Paul II articulated a larger vision of law and freedom founded on respect for human life and dignity that transcends modern Western legalistic...