Faculty Commentary

In the harrowing days of 1945, the world lay bleeding and breathless after years of all out war. It was a time of uncertainty regarding what happens next. Could mankind survive another world war?  What was the pathway towards a more stable world, a world that would turn to dialog and discussion versus recrimination and [...]


As tension rises over the impending breach of the debt ceiling, Biden aides are apparently debating the question of whether the debt ceiling is constitutional.  Section Four of the Fourteenth Amendment provides that “the validity of the debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for [...]


The International Criminal Court (ICC) is tasked with investigating and prosecuting individuals responsible for the gravest of crimes — genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and aggression. While the struggles faced by Afghan women and girls have yet to be classified, their plight demands attention. As human beings, these women and girls have been callously [...]


As climate change and climate-related disasters continue to drive displacement, the United States must do more to protect impacted individuals. It can start by upholding our existing asylum and refugee protection laws. The adverse effects of climate change can interact with and exacerbate targeted violence, conflict, and other forms of persecution that drive people to [...]


On April 7, US District Court Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk issued an order suspending the FDA’s approval of mifepristone based on a lawsuit filed against the FDA by the Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine — an organization comprising four anti-abortion medical associations, and four anti-abortion doctors. The Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit then partially blocked [...]


“For by Wise Counsel, Thou Shalt Make Thy War.” Proverbs, 24,6 As a matter of logic, an Israel-Iran nuclear exchange is presently out of the question. Though energetically pursuing a military nuclear capability, the Shiite Republic still has a formidable way to go before it can claim any credible status as an operational nuclear power. [...]


The suffering that Afghan women have endured is matched by only a few other groups in recent world history. – Afghan-American novelist Khalid Hosseini Afghanistan stands alone as the only country in the world where women are systematically denied the fundamental right to education. For over a year now, the Taliban’s ban on female education [...]


Since gaining power in August 2021, the Afghan Taliban, following a unique normative mixture of Pashtun culture and Islamic law, have closed universities, colleges, and secondary and primary schools to deny education to women and girls. In banning women from higher education, the Taliban education minister argued that female college students do not adhere to [...]


A widespread or systematic attack directed against civilians is a crime against humanity—a crime against us all. The jurisprudence around the creation of this international crime began early in the 20th century and evolved through the International Military Tribunals at Nuremberg and Tokyo, and into the modern era during what is called the Age of [...]