Elisa Mari, Pitt Law '10, files from Athens:The term lesbian comes from the Greek name of the Aegean Island of Lesvos. The island, known for its beautiful beaches and unspoiled landscapes, is also famous for being the island of the...
Student Commentary
Sara Burhan Abdullah, Pitt Law LLM '08, files from Sulaimaniya:A recent incident showed me that while the Iraqi Constitution has a great deal of material from which a society based on equality of the sexes can be built, there are...
Bill Fisher, Pitt Law '10, files from Croatia:In a place of such amazing beauty, culture, and history, it is heartbreaking to see the remnants of the war and witness just how fresh the wounds still are. Croatia is in a...
JURIST Staffer Eric Linge, Pitt Law '10, from Addis Ababa...Joining the World Trade Organization (WTO) is not easy. Especially for a country like Ethiopia that has a history of communism to unwind, reams of technical laws have to be rewritten...
Aleksandra (Sasha) Williams, Pitt Law '10, files from Kiev:The whole is often greater than the sum of its parts, especially if some of those parts do not make it into a suitcase during a 20 minute frantic packing effort with...
Elisa Mari, Pitt Law '10, files from Athens:Lately it has been more of a hassle and more crowded than usual at the Land Registry Office (Ypothikofilakeio). A title search in Greece consists of going through the old hand written volumes...
Carrie Cecil, Pitt Law '10, files from Kiev:Ukraine is a democracy still in its infancy. Independence from the former Soviet Union was declared in 1991, and the Constitution was adopted in 1996. After declaring independence, Ukraine struggled to decide whether...
JURIST Staffer Eric Linge, Pitt Law '10, from Addis Ababa...The Economics of Ethiopian Growth — from a legal professional's perspectiveDo you have an addiction? Do you even know you have an addiction? As American lawyers, we're addicted to easy and...
Elisa Mari, Pitt Law '10, files from Athens:Tuesday morning at 7:30 am, Tasos Aliferis, the Mayor of Tilos - a small Greek island in the eastern Aegean - formally married two homosexual couples. The first couple to get married at...
Carrie Cecil, Pitt Law '10, files from Kiev:I've been in Kiev for a little over a week, and every day something new in the landscape amuses or intrigues me, ranging from the incredible amount of cranes all over the city...