JURIST Columnist Volha Samasiuk is an LL.M. Candidate from the University of Arkansas School of Law, and she was formerly a legal consultant for the Belarus Food Safety Improvement Project. Here she discusses food import laws in the US and...
Student Commentary
JURIST Guest Columnist Martinho Lucas Pires is a LL.M. Candidate at the Católica Global School of Law, a Lisbon-based faculty of the Catholic University of Portugal. In the third entry of a four-part series on the realities and priorities of...
JURIST Guest Columnist Iryna Dasevich is a LL.M. Candidate at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law, and has interned in the police department and the district court in Turnopil, Ukraine. In the first entry of a 14-part series from...
JURIST Guest Columnist Rafael Lomenso is a LL.M. Candidate at the Católica Global School of Law, a Lisbon-based faculty of the Catholic University of Portugal. In the second entry of a four-part series on the realities and priorities of Portuguese...
JURIST Guest Columnist Jiamin Chen, Chicago-Kent College of Law Class of 2012, is a LL.M. student specializing in intellectual property and international trade law. She calls for the people of China to transform their perception of intellectual property in order...
JURIST Guest Columnist Tony Niescier, Fordham Law School Class of 2012, is a research assistant at the Samuelson-Glushko Intellectual Property and Information Law Clinic. He argues for the use of virtual court rooms in addressing cases that originate in cyberspace,...
JURIST Guest Columnist Luis Vasconcelos is a LL.M. Candidate at the Católica Global School of Law, a Lisbon-based faculty of the Catholic University of Portugal. In this first entry of a four-part series on the realities and priorities of Portuguese...
JURIST Guest Columnist Volha Samasiuk is a LL.M. Candidate from the University of Arkansas School of Law, and she was formerly a legal consultant for the Belarus Food Safety Improvement Project. She analyzes how the FDA currently protects the public...
JURIST Guest Columnist Kimberly White, Lewis & Clark Law School Class of 2013, is a Legislative Review Editor on the Animal Law Review. She argues that the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act is unconstitutional because it violates the First Amendment... Since...
JURIST Guest Columnist Robert Marcelis, University of California, Davis School of Law Class of 2013, is a staff member of the Business Law Journal. He explains the holding AT&T v. Concepcion, discusses its implications on future cases and reviews Congress'...