Student Commentary

On February 28, an Illinois judge ruled that disgraced ex-President Donald Trump is disqualified from office under Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment, the Insurrectionist Disqualification Clause. Five days later, the U.S. Supreme Court, determined to avoid the overwhelming evidence that Trump engaged in insurrection, invented an exception to Section 3—applicable only to federal candidates, [...]


In January, reports emerged alleging the involvement of United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) employees in the October 7, 2023 attack conducted by Hamas. Reacting to it, several state parties, including Canada, suspended funding to UNRWA, an institution that is considered a vital lifeline in Gaza. Ahmed [...]


Pakistan’s democratic journey has been marked by challenges and triumphs, shaped by the visionaries who laid its foundation and the leaders who navigate its course. As the nation prepares for the general elections on Feb. 8, it stands at a critical juncture, where the principles of democracy and the rule of law must be upheld [...]


Last December, US authorities marked Human Rights Day and the 75th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by imposing a tranche of sanctions against human rights abusers spanning the globe, targeting perpetrators from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe. In Afghanistan, two members of the Taliban government were targeted, as announced by a State Department press [...]


As of mid-January, the conflict between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in Sudan has led to more than 13,000 deaths, according to experts from the Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project. And experts warn this figure may not fully capture the extent of the tragedy. The ramifications of [...]

CBP Photography / Wikimedia Commons

Immigration is one of the hottest hot button issues going into the 2024 US presidential election. It has divided Americans, and the Republican party continues to go to extremes on the matter, with some 81% of GOP voters in the Iowa primary agreeing with former president Donald Trump’s description of immigrants as “poisoning the blood [...]


The exchange of information is a key driver of today’s digital economy. International trade cannot be performed without business owners’ ability to transfer data across national borders, and multinational enterprises’ (MNE) internal operation relies on the ability to move data among countries where they have business presence. Accordingly, data has come to the center of [...]


“It has been such a nightmare. You just feel powerless; you can’t comprehend any way to survive it … I long for the return of my calm and tranquil country — a country where children can live in peace.” “Air strikes have been indiscriminately killing people — all kinds of people: children, babies, doctors, journalists; [...]

Wing, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

No sooner had the dust of 2023 settled than the leader of the executive arm of Kenya’s government launched missiles of subliminal jibes aimed at what he termed “a tyrannical and corrupt judiciary.” President William Ruto—a product of the Kenyan Supreme Court’s ruling on the 2022 Presidential Petition—averred that some judges were bent on sabotaging [...]